An awesome app for comparing your music taste with your friends. The app offer you to log in with your Spotify account, and from there the app creates a user account with your spotify username, retriever your top songs and top artists from the latest 6 months and store it in the database. You can view your top music and also add friends and compare their top music by adding them with their unique contact-code, or sharing your unique contact code and letting them add you.
Acknowledgments Huge thanks to @blahah for helping me figure out some async problems with the passport module. Also huge thanks to @traversymedia for creating this awesome tutorial which have been a crucial inspiration for making this app possible.
Run the app by:
- Creating a .ENV file with the following variables
Variables for session secret:
SESSION_SECRET = "your_session_secret"
Variables for a MYSQL database host:
DB_HOST = "database endpoint"
DB_USER = "username"
DB_PASSWORD = "password"
DB_PORT = "port"
DB_NAME = "databasename"
Spotify client variables (create a sportify dev account if you don't have one and create an app:
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = "client id"
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = "client secret"
SPOTIFY_CALLBACK_URL = "callback url"
Run "npm install" to install required modules
Run with "nodemon app.js" or "node app.js"
Open: http://localhost:8888/ in your browser