Frontend / Backend tools for clojure projects
- renders fields with check-as-type, dirty checking, validate on submit
- declarative format for fields
- Compound field types
- Flexible (repeating) fields types
- Backend validation
- modal image picker
- map field
- default css
- "search" field - provide api endpoint
(ns proj.formdata
(:require [formic.validation :as fv]
[proj.route :as route]
[struct.core :as st]))
(def s3-api
{:get-signed (route/to :admin/get-signed)
:success (route/to :admin/upload-success)
:list (route/to :admin/images-all)})
(def flex-data
[{:name :text
:type :string
:validation [st/required]}]}
;; -------------------------------------------------
[{:name :text
:type :medium}]}
;; -------------------------------------------------
[{:name :first-name
:type :string
:validation [st/required]}
{:name :last-name
:validation [st/required]
:type :string}
{:name :email
:type :email
:validation [st/required st/email]}]}
;; -------------------------------------------------
[{:name :username
:type :string
:validation [st/required]}
{:name :email
:type :email
:validation [st/required st/email]}
{:name :email-verification
:type :email
:validation [st/required st/email]}]
[[:email-verification [st/identical-to :email]]]}
;; -------------------------------------------------
[{:name :image
:type :image
:endpoints s3-api}
{:name :caption
:type :string}]}})
(def single-data
[{:name :infob
[{:name :simple-string
:type :string}
{:name :simple-text-required
:type :string
:validation [st/required]}
{:name :email
:type :email
:validation [st/email]}
{:name :number
:type :number
:validation [st/integer-str]}
{:name :range
:type :range
:min 5
:max 10
:validation [st/integer-str [st/in-range 5 10]]}
{:name :text-area
:type :text
:validation [st/string-like [fv/length-range 0 100]]}
{:name :select
:type :select
:options [["ya-val" "ya"]
["banana-val" "banana"]
["cool-val" "cool"]
["what-val" "what"]]
:disabled #{"what-val"}
:validation [[st/member #{"ya-val"}]]}
{:name :radios
:type :radios
:options [["a-value" "a"]
["b-value" "b"]
["c-value" "c"]]
:validation [[st/member #{"c-value"}]]}
{:name :checkboxes
:type :checkboxes
:options [["a-value" "a"]
["b-value" "b"]
["c-value" "c"]]
:validation [st/required]}
{:name :date
:type :date
:min-date "2012-03-01"
:max-date "2018-03-12"
:validation [fv/default-date-format]}
{:name :user-input
:type :compound
:field :user}
{:name :image-field
:type :image
:endpoints s3-api}
{:name :multi
:type :flexible
:flex [:heading :contact]}
{:name :imagetest
:type :image
:endpoints s3-api}]}
[formic.frontend/fields flex-data single-form-data current-values]]
Copyright © 2017
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.