
A websocket server you can pipe to.


Just a heads up: I'm still tweaking this a lot. If you have suggestions, problems please don't hesitate to open an issue.

To Install:

go get code.google.com/p/go.net/websocket
go get github.com/minikomi/pipesock
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/minikomi/pipesock
go install

Then, provided you have $GOPATH/bin in your PATH you can start using the server with the pipesock command:

tail -f "some.log" | awk 'print{$2 "," $3}' | pipesock 

By default, you can then point your browser at localhost:9193.


  • Other views can be added to $GOPATH/src/github.com/minikomi/pipesock/views/

  • Accessing /flush will clear the buffer.

  • The websocket can connect to /ws and receive serialized messages in the format:

    { Time: Timestamp for broadcast, Messages: [ { Time: Timestamp for readline, Message: Message string } .... ] }

  • The array of buffered messages can be read in JSON format at /buffer.json.


-d=2000: Delay between broadcasts of bundled events in ms (shorthand).
-delay=2000: Delay between broadcasts of bundled events in ms.
-l=false: Log HTTP requests tp STDOUT (shorthand).
-log=false: Log HTTP requetsts to STDOUT
-n=20: Number of previous broadcasts to keep in memory (shorthand).
-num=20: Number of previous broadcasts to keep in memory.
-p=9193: Port for the pipesock to sit on (shorthand).
-port=9193: Port for the pipesock to sit on.
-t=false: Pass output to STDOUT (shorthand).
-through=false: Pass output to STDOUT.
-v="default": View directory to serve (shorthand).
-view="default": View directory to serve.


  • better d3 frontend
  • more views