
Vagrant / Ansible setup for Android development

Ansible Vagrant profile for android development


This setup is verysignificantly inspired by the profiles at: https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-vagrant-examples

This Vagrant profile uses Ansible to configure a local VM, with java, android-studio and the android sdk

Getting Started

This README file is inside a folder that contains a Vagrantfile (hereafter this folder shall be called the [vagrant_root]), which tells Vagrant how to set up your virtual machine in VirtualBox.

To use the vagrant file, you will need to have done the following:

  1. Download and Install VirtualBox
  2. Download and Install Vagrant
  3. Install Ansible
  4. Open a shell prompt (Terminal app on a Mac) and cd into the folder containing the Vagrantfile
  5. Run the following command to install the necessary Ansible roles for this profile: $ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Once all of that is done, you can simply type in vagrant up, and Vagrant will create a new VM, install the base box, and configure it.

Once the new VM is up and running (after vagrant up is complete and you're back at the command prompt), you can log into it via SSH if you'd like by typing in vagrant ssh. Otherwise, the next steps are below.

Setting up your hosts file

You need to modify your host machine's hosts file (Mac/Linux: /etc/hosts; Windows: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts), adding the line below:  docker.dev

If you'd like additional assistance editing your hosts file, please read How do I modify my hosts file? from Rackspace.

Author Information

Original README Created in 2015 by Jeff Geerling This README Created by Michael Imelfort

MIT license.