
The Book of Innates

The Book of Innates


  • Relic: super powerful items with a connection to daemons.
  • Innates: beings that can utilize connections to daemons.
  • Heirlooms: items with binded to a being, giving them a connection.
  • Daemons: Beings of the other realm, who cannot take a physical form in this world.
  • Transmuter: creature with a vast amount of knowledge about relics, but is not an innate.


  • Unique daemons: 100
  • Priests: 5-20
  • Relics: 40
  • Lesser daemons: 1000
  • Innates: 10%
  • Spell stealers (hidden/not aware): 70% of all innates.
  • Spell stealers (aware): 30% of all innates.
  • Transmuters: a family which had a strong relation to a family of spell stealers who tragically died when a priest was commanded by its daemon to kill the spell stealers as they were becoming a nuance to the daemon. This is also how the transmuters gained their knowledge of the world (thus they know of the existence of daemons).
  • Magical places/animals/plants/items/artifacts/...
  • Relic distance of affliction: 20m
  • Enchanted item of affliction: Concentrated LoS, unless the item wants to hide.

Four characters

  • Innates: Spell steal/channeler/conjurer/pickpocketing from the other realm/egoistic rebells/childish (working on impulse)/shunned by ordered society / "literally fighting her daemons". Initial contact with the enchanted item makes them playful but careful. Same starting area as priest.
  • main NPC Appraiser Auctioneer Bazaar Dude Craftsman, Blacksmith/diplomat/jack of all trades, master of none, but better than master of one/to be able to connect with any character. Any large town.
    • Has lived for a very very long time.
    • Gossip master, and gives golden quotes on a regular basis.
  • Innates: Priest/devoted/loved by society but fooled in the end. Relic form one of the strongest gods/daemons (chalice/sabre/torn note/book/rags). Sworn to never let go of the relic. The item shocks you with its power (game movie at the beginning of the game; "What is the meaning of life?", gets an answer, "Why is there evil?"...). This is when you start on the path of becoming a priest, it was never really a choice. The god wants to accumulate its power in the world. The priest is a vessel through which the god tries to gain power, this is the driving motivation of the pilgrimage. Meditate: design their own spells.
  • Transmuter/Cain/knowledge seeker/mentor of innate characters (e.g. orphan)/nomad. "Born as spell stealer, but not innate". Dedicate my life to make the life of spell stealers better. Wants to create the last caravan, creating a respect and haven for innates. Open knowledge seeker, looks down upon blind devoted (the background story is that he believes that the gods enslave the priest innates so that they may not take up the spell stealer mentality). Starts far from the other players.

Transmuter story line

  • One of the caravans is missing. Finds an enchanted item in a bazaar belonging to that caravan.
    • Scared or hateful of priests.
  • One story with priest is that the priest approaches the transmuter for information of relics.


  • Depends on the order in which the player chooses the characters for the chapters. 4 different endings.


  • Priest: Quests from god; consumed by the daemon which thus gains physical form in the world.
    • Destroy the relics of false gods (as the daemon doesn't want to compete for power with other daemons)
    • Hunt a caravan, to destroy relics.
    • "Defeate the false prophets", after the daemon has made the priest a devoted follower.
  • Transmuter: calling.
    • Build trust with spell stealers.
  • Spell stealer: BGH, show for themselves that they can accomplish anything; the ultimate goal would be to kill the daemon which manifested through the priest.

Priest story line

  • Daemons prime goal is to defeat all other primal daemons to gain a foothold in this world. Since the forces competes against each other for supremacy. Once the priest has destroyed a sufficient amount of relics (or killed other priests), he/shes prime will be released.
  • Priest will get more powerful for each relic removed, but will receive more knowledge about the daemon. Can be used for different endings.


  • Swap between characters to drive the story forward.

Theories of the world

  • Transmuter is a strong advocate of this theory: Daemons with their own will from another realm. Innates never have any true power, but are mere vessel of power.
  • Priest is a fanatic advocate of the god theory that they have been granted power from the gods, and their will is absolute.
    • Might be brothers in arms or solo monks which hate other priests. Depends on the story of the other realm.
  • Mana is a nature force, mana wells etc. Taught in school.
  • Alternative theories should be able to account for all details of the magical world and the interaction with the other realm, and have plausible explanations for why spells may fail some times or do actions which are against the casters will.

Daemons ultimate will

  • Gain a physical foothold in the world.


  • Craftsmanship
  • Channeled to an entity

The other realm

  • Daemons/gods with their own will

World map

  • World map is not known at first.
    • Can't you just buy a map? Might want to figure out a lore reason for this. Like the world changes continuously, or the world is just generally not explored.
    • Maps might be ridiculously expensive, like all written materials were in medieval times.
  • Conversations can give hints on the map were it might be, but not perfectly plot it's location.


  • Leach daemons energy through the channeling of items bound to the god of the other realm.
  • Battle with the daemon you are trying to leach from.
  • Innates have an ability to learn spells when holding a enchanted item, but it is stronger when the item is held. Any character who is not innate may still use the spell, but only when the item is held - and it does not get more powerful through experience.
  • Mules with enchanted items for the most powerful of magicians.
  • Nomads and caravans with a lot of magical items and their own will and goals.
  • Gods may sense each other through the enchanted items you equip. For the same reason, priests are gathered in churches as the gods may connect.


  • 6 year break, the story goes on, but you were not part of it so the balance has changed during this time/home town destroyed/magic gone/...