Prime Mongo Shell Peer Challenge

Now that you've learned some of the basics of querying MongoDB via the mongo shell, use that information to query a collection of bios. Remember to switch off with your partner half-way through this exercise.

Check out these docs for more advanced find queries



  1. Load the data using this command mongoimport --db challenge --collection bios --drop --file bios.json
  2. Start the Mongo shell with mongo.
  3. Connect to the challenge database using the mongo shell command use challenge


Create a file, queries.js that will contain the queries that correctly address the criteria in the steps that follow.

  1. Find documents that have awards.
  2. Find documents that don't have awards.
  3. Find documents that have contribs for OOP or UNIX.
  4. Find documents with "Turing Award" awards.
  5. Find documents with IDs between 3 and 7.
  6. Find documents with awards that were awarded before the year 2000.
  7. Find documents with birth dates, but no death dates.