
Aircrack-ng Suite Scripts to Easily Demonstrate Wifi Attacks

Primary LanguageShell


A set of shell scripts to run the basic aircrack-ng suite tools.

Recommended to run within the latest Kali linux distribution - https://www.kali.org/downloads/


1. airmon-ng.sh

Puts your wireless device into promiscious mode, forcibly if required.

2. airodump-ng.sh

Listens for all AP's wireless traffic in the area and logs the results to a file.

2. airodump-ng (RogueAP).sh

Listens for a specific AP's wireless traffic and logs the results to a file.

3. aircrack-ng.sh

Attempts to crack a known WPA passphrase using the CPU, using a pre-determined wordlist and mask. In a real-life attack you would be better off using hashcat and one or more GPU's - https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=cracking_wpawpa2.

4. aireplay-ng.sh

Spams a specific AP/STATION with deauth frames.