
Python Web News Crawler

Primary LanguagePython

Table of contents

Live Server: https://mininpark.github.io/Today_Hot_News/

Note: Delete this note and update the table of contents based on what sections you keep.





Web scraping is one of must-know knowledge as a data analysis to collect the data efficiently in these days, because it helps access good data sources and save valuable time before going to data analysis phase. From this significant importance of accessing proper data sources, my project brings the today’s headlines from two different news websites (BBC and CNN). It provides the web digital news service such as google news. This project is, especially, highly relevant to my interest for my future career, which is related to web development, so that I decided to go more further to present this project on the website.


  1. Scrap the main headlines from each websites
  2. Save the headlines into CSV file
  3. Pesent the headlines on the website for users

My process

1. Scrap the main headlines from each websites

  • Selenium Webdriver, BeautifulSoup

Instead of Python Basic Library urllib, I used more powerful library called BeautifulSoup, which we handled also in lecture.  However, only with BeautifulSoup, I couldn't get some elements, what I want to scrap, which were used by Java Script. So, I used selenium with webdriver for keeping stronger and more stable.

Only disadvantage of this selenium webdriver was that it takes long time to load pages. Since the website was opened by selenium for collecting the data, it was also quite burdensome to wait until the end of whole process.

Here was my idea, that users don’t see the whole process from opening each website browsers by selenium to closing. The option has to be also added to not open the browser every time, when the selenium works with webdriver as following:

op = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install(), options=op)
  • Analysis of HTML Structures

Each website has different HTML Structures, so that I had to spend a lot of times at first to analyzes about the structure and how I can get most efficiently to get the results without duplication or with using a lot of for loops. And I had a difficulty to use the function such as find_all, because sometimes I couldn’t use again find_all after using it in same flat. I found out later that find_all can be used again in for loop under itself.

articles = page_soup.find_all("div", {"class":"cd__content"})
    for article in articles:
        for a in article.find_all('a', href=True):
        headline = article.find("span", {"class":"cd__headline-text"})
        headline_text = headline.get_text()
s1 = page_soup.find_all("a", {"class":"media__link"})
        for s in s1:
            href = s.attrs['href']	
            #strip for getting rid of unnecessary spaces
            headline_text = s.get_text().strip()           
  • Make Lists and Dictionaries

I learned from this part that the for loops can makes everything way easier and also difficult your tasks depends on where you put elements (inside or outside of for loops). Because, this was the most time-consuming part for me due to small mistake, that I put the empty lists [] for the data sets not outside of for loop, but inside of for loops.

After solving this problem, I put each list from URL and news headlines into dictionary by sorting keys ‘headline’ and ‘url’ as following:

There was a problem for scraping the URL from each headline, because they have different patterns. Some of them starts only short version of URL without main website address such as https://www.cnn.com and some of them has this main address included. It was necessary to make the standard URL address for all with if-statement.

links_with_text = []
    headlines = []
    for article in articles:
    dict_cnn = [{'headline' : headlines, 'url' : links_with_text} for headlines,           
    links_with_text in zip(headlines,links_with_text)]

2. Save the headlines into CSV file

  • Saving a list of the dictionaries into CSV files

Keys and Values are saved in different columns. According to Python 3.X, It was necessary to use the option ‘w’, newline= ‘ ’ for eliminating the blanks after each row.

keys = dict_cnn[0].keys()   

    a_file = open('output_cnn.csv', 'w', newline='')
    dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(a_file, keys)
  • Merge two different CSV files into one single CSV file
    • Problem: Duplication of URL

For this, I needed to study about URL Structure and components, because it caused unexpected duplication of domain address. Because they had different URL structure as following:

/sport/cricket/60178099        or          https://www.bbc.com/sport/cricket/60178099

URL_new = "https://www.bbc.com"
    for s in s1:
       href = s.attrs['href']

href = a.attrs['href']
    href_n = urlparse(href)
    href_new = href_n._replace(scheme='https', netloc='edition.cnn.com')
    url = (href_new.geturl())

Result>>   https://www.bbc.comhttps://www.bbc.com/sport/cricket/60178099

To fix this, I tried every different method such as if-statement and try and so on. But they didn’t work for my code.

I used urlparse API to let analyze each component of URLs and replaced the empty components into proper value, which makes complete URL address. After this processing, the result has to changed again from string to URLs as following:

Result: Combined two CSV files into one CSV file in excel sheet


3. Present the headlines on the website for users

First and foremost, I had to figure it out, how I can present python file to html. This was the part what I struggled most time at the end, because my previous projects were HTML-based websites. But this should be dealt with the other way round, so that I had to try different web frameworks and I finally chose Flask. Flask is a small and lightweight Python-based web framework that provides useful tools and features that make creating web applications in Python easier.

  • Flask virtual environment setting with venv

For isolating my application, I had to set a virtual environment, which is a directory that contains the software on which its application depends. A virtual environment also changes environment variables to keep the development environment contained. Instead of downloading packages to system-wide or user-wide. This helps it easy to specify which Python binary to use and which dependencies we want to have available on a per project basis. As recommended, I downloaded Flask in virtual environment setting to an isolated directory used only for my current application.

  • Rendering a template and Using Variables

A first step is to display a message that greets visitors on the index page. For this, render_template is one of important Flask function to serve an HTML template as the response, which is used to generate output from a template file based on the Jinja2 engine that is found in the application's templates folder.

First of all, I defined a view function (which is a Python function that returns an HTTP response) called home() using the app.route() decorator, which converts a regular function into a view function. This view function uses the render_template() function to render a template file called index.html.

  • index.html
from flask import Flask, redirect, render_template, request

app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='template')
def home():
    return render_template('index.html'

After rendering an index page, I made a report.html using the app.route() decorator. Beside of this, I added a funny function, that website print out the name of user for greeting in next page for more interaction. Here I passed a variable called SearchingBy, resultsNumber, headline_list, today to the report.html template with each value, so that I can use this values also in html.

  • report.html
def report(): 
    name = request.args.get('name')
    # for making as lowercase
    if name:
        name = name.lower()

    return render_template('report.html', SearchingBy = name, resultsNumber =                    
           len(df), headline_list = df, today = today_n)

if __name__ =="__main__":
    app.run(host="", debug=True)
  • Using Loops in HTML

I used for-loops to go through headline lists to display each item in the list.

With Jinja engine, for-loop in the line {% for comment in comments %} goes through each headline in the headlines list. Also, I used table element in html. For, signal the ending of the for loop using the {% endfor %} keyword. This is different from the way Python for loops are constructed because there is no special indentation in Jinja templates. HTML files can be found inside of the template folder.

  • Style with CSS

For Styling the html, I tried two different methods to adjust CSS on index.html and report.html as following.

  • First method: code directly <style> inside of

  • Second method: link to the stylesheet file

  • Execute the python file

    • Run main.py file
    • Click the link, which is given in terminal as following screen shot


Everyone talks about Big Data and Business Intelligence. But in the end, what really matters are quality over quantity. You don't need big data, but rather smart data. For this reason, I wanted to scrap the most important headlines of important headlines from each website, which are presented on top of main page.

I got total 91 headlines on this date (29.01.2022) from two different online news websites CNN and BBC using my python program.

The number of headlines differs from times or dates, what time or which date the user get the result, because this is based on a dynamic URL, which is a URL returned through a query on a database-driven website or the URL of a website that runs some processing script such as Java Script.

Continued development

Through this project, I learned that collecting data can serve an unlimited number of purposes than I expected, because I saw the potential what this technique can achieve in many different areas, since I can do pretty much what I wanted with web scraping. At next time, I would like to develop this idea more and to build argus that is fed from the data I extract. Although in this case, data processing might be a bit tricky since product references are not always the same.
