
How to use Presto (with Hive metastore) and MinIO?

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How to use Presto (with Hive metastore) and MinIO?

To start using this project you need to clone this repository locally.

git clone https://github.com/minio/presto-minio
cd presto-minio
docker-compose up -d

Using docker-compose you set up Presto, Hive containers for Presto to query data from MinIO. Presto uses the Hive container for the metastore. Once up you can view the Presto WebUI at

Please make relevant changes to fs.s3a.endpoint to point to your local MinIO setup, files to be modified are




Once you have edited these files, proceed to edit the environment value for mcjob in docker-compose.yml this should point to the same local MinIO setup as configured in previous files.


First create a table in the Hive metastore. Note that the location 's3a://customer-data-text/' points to data that already exists in the Minio container.

Run docker exec -it hadoop-master /bin/bash.

[root@hadoop-master /]# hive
hive> use default;
hive> create external table customer_text(id string, fname string, lname string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE location 's3a://customer-data-text/';
hive> select * from customer_text;

Next let's query the data from Presto. Run docker exec -it presto /bin/bash

[presto@presto /]$ presto --server localhost:8080 --catalog hive --schema default
presto> use minio.default;
presto:default> show tables;

presto:default> show tables;
(2 rows)

presto:default> select * from customer_text;
 id | fname | lname
 5  | Bob   | Jones
 6  | Phil  | Brune
(2 rows)

Next, let's create a new table via Presto and copy the CSV data into ORC format. Before you do that, make a new bucket in Minio named customer-data-orc.

presto:default> create table customer_orc(id varchar,fname varchar,lname varchar) with (format = 'ORC', external_location = 's3a://customer-data-orc/');

presto:default> insert into customer_orc select * from customer_text;
INSERT: 2 rows

presto:default> select * from customer_orc;
 id | fname | lname
 5  | Bob   | Jones
 6  | Phil  | Brune