
Implement EC2 scheduled start and stop with Lambda golang function & CloudWatch.

Primary LanguageGo

I forked this repository and I added start&stop RDS golang file.

EC2&RDS Start Stop

Implement EC2&RDS scheduled start and stop with Lambda golang function & CloudWatch.



New Policy

For EC2

IAM -> Policies -> Create policy

Visual editor
Service -> EC2
Actions -> Access level -> Write -> StartInstances,StopInstances
Resources -> All resources

PolicyName -> StartStopEC2Instances


IAM -> Policies -> Create policy

Visual editor
Service -> RDS
Actions -> Access level -> Write -> StartDBInstance,StopDBInstance
Resources -> All resources

PolicyName -> StartStopRDSInstances

New Role

For EC2

IAM -> Roles -> Create role

AWS service -> Lambda
Policy -> StartStopEC2Instances

Role name -> StartStopEC2Instances


IAM -> Roles -> Create role

AWS service -> Lambda
Policy -> StartStopRDSInstances

Role name -> StartStopRDSInstances

Lambda Function

AWS Lambda -> Functions -> Create function

Name -> StartEC2Instances
Runtime -> Go 1.x
Role -> Existing role -> StartStopEC2Instances
clone this repository
Function code
Function package -> start-ec2-instances.zip
Handler -> start-ec2-instances

Test -> Create new test event
  "InstanceRegion": "ap-northeast-2",

if its a RDS
  "InstanceRegion": "ap-northeast-2",


Rules -> Create role -> Schedule

Cron expression -> xxxxx
00 00 ? * MON-FRI *		#9 am(GMT+9) every working day, start ec2 instances
00 10 ? * * *			#19 pm(GMT+9) every day, stop ec2 instances

Targets -> Lambda function -> StartEC2Instances
Constant(JSON text)
  "InstanceRegion": "ap-northeast-2",

if its a RDS
  "InstanceRegion": "ap-northeast-2",


AWS lambda go https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go

AWS sdk go https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go

CloudWatch https://docs.amazonaws.cn/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/events/ScheduledEvents.html#CronExpressions