
automatically detect and classify notes from a piano sound recording, using NNs

Primary LanguagePython

piano note prediction

This is a program to automatically detect and classify notes from a piano sound recording.

Due to github's size limit on repositories, it wasn't possible to upload the complete training data set.

The scripts are meant to run on a gpu, otherwise the program won't terminate within a reasonable time frame.

I recommend installing anaconda, and using conda as a package manager and to create a virtual environment. 

Create a virtual environment:
	conda create -n test_env

Enter the virtual environment:
	conda activate test_env

Install numpy and matplotlib with conda:
	conda install numpy
	conda install matplotlib

Since installing cuda, keras, and tensorflow is nontrivial and differs from setup to setup, I recommend following a suitable guide or tutorial.

Cuda can be downloaded from the nvidia homepage:

Install compatible versions of Tensorflow and Keras for gpu:

Running the software

Train the model for note prediction:
	python3 train.py

To apply the trained model to predict notes, run pitch_detection.py with the file name of a 24bit mono WAV piano recording as an argument. There are a few example files to test with in the "examples" folder. 

An example call to predict notes could look like this:
	python pitch_detection.py examples/ode_an_die_freude.wav

Note that while the visual representation of the predictions works better for short sound files, all predictions are printed to the terminal.

Detect note onsents and plot the results:
	python onset_detection.py <somesong>