This repository is now deprecated in favour of using components in a more modular fashion.
- django-govuk-template – adds GOV.UK templates, CSS, JS and other components from GDS’s packages. It does not offer pre-built styles (which would require this package to be constantly updated), but allows projects to determine their own workflow
- django-govuk-forms – allows Django forms to be output with the correct HTML to be styled by GOV.UK CSS
- the packages listed below can be used in your Django project in the usual manner if needed
This can be used as a base to build MoJ Django applications. It includes some useful Django packages along with the template. It also includes flake8 code style test.
- Python 3.5 (can be installed using
brew install python3
Install via pypi
pip install django-gov
govuk_template Django template and static directory are included in the package. You can extend the GovUK Template directly
{% extends 'govuk_template/base.html' %}
You can also download the latest govuk_template taball and extract the contentents to a directory of you choice
./ update_gov_template -d /path/to/directory/to/unpack/
This will add the templates and static directories from the latest release of govuk_template to the directory passed as -d
You can include the default settings for all the included apps above by including the default settings in your app file
from django_gov.settings import *
You can include the urls for the healthcheck endpoints
url(r'^', include('django_gov.urls'))
If you include the whole default settings, this will add flake8 code style tests to the directory you run your apps.
You can add a setup.cfg file containing your flake8 settings to the base directory of your app.
[flake8] exclude = .git/,env/,venv/,node_modules/, max-complexity = 10 max-line-length = 120
django-rest-swagger is also included. The template has been modified to use the govuk_template as a base.
see for instructions on how to set up Swagger