
The service adapter is a Spring Boot mircoservice built for processing OPA 18 AssessService requests for means, merits and billing rulebases.

Technologies Used

  1. Java 8
  2. Spring boot
  3. Apache CXF
  4. OPA 12 AssessService
  5. Maven

How to build and run locally

To build the application:
./mvnw clean install

To build for environment specific:
./mvnw clean install-Pstage (for stage)

Then to run this application in Docker:
docker-compose up

To run the Cypress tests:
First run npm install. You can then run the test suite non-interactively with npm test.

Use $(npm bin)/cypress open to open the test runner. This allows you to view the browser and the test report side by side and see what's happening when a test fails.

Code style

We are following Google's style guide for Java.

To ensure your code is formatted correctly, import one of these formatters into your IDE:

Import it by going to Code Style -> Java (or Java -> Code Style) in the preferences.