
Module for enabling and configuring common baseline services such as SecurityHub • This repository is defined and managed in Terraform

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Modernisation Platform Terraform Baselines Module

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Terraform module for enabling and configuring the MoJ Security Guidance baseline for AWS accounts, alongside some extra reasonable security, identity and compliance services.

Enabled MoJ Security Guidance configurations

Other enabled configurations


Using the whole module

module "baselines" {
  source = "github.com/ministryofjustice/modernisation-platform-terraform-baselines"
  providers = {
    aws                    = aws
    aws.replication-region = aws.eu-west-2 # Region to replicate S3 buckets into
    aws.ap-northeast-1     = aws.ap-northeast-1
    aws.ap-northeast-2     = aws.ap-northeast-2
    aws.ap-south-1         = aws.ap-south-1
    aws.ap-southeast-1     = aws.ap-southeast-1
    aws.ap-southeast-2     = aws.ap-southeast-2
    aws.ca-central-1       = aws.ca-central-1
    aws.eu-central-1       = aws.eu-central-1
    aws.eu-north-1         = aws.eu-north-1
    aws.eu-west-1          = aws.eu-west-1
    aws.eu-west-2          = aws.eu-west-2
    aws.eu-west-3          = aws.eu-west-3
    aws.sa-east-1          = aws.sa-east-1
    aws.us-east-1          = aws.us-east-1
    aws.us-east-2          = aws.us-east-2
    aws.us-west-1          = aws.us-west-1
    aws.us-west-2          = aws.us-west-2

  # Enable IAM Access Analyzer in eu-west-2
  enabled_access_analyzer_regions = ["eu-west-2"]

  root_account_id    = "123456789"
  tags               = {}

Using parts of the module

You can specify submodules from this directory to use individually, by setting the source with a double-slash (//). Note that this only uses the module in the calling region, unless you specify different module blocks with other Terraform providers. Each module has its own README.

module "ebs-encryption" {
  source = "github.com/ministryofjustice/modernisation-platform-terraform-baselines//modules/ebs"


Name Description Type Default Required
root_account_id The AWS Organisations root account ID that this account should be part of string yes
tags Tags to apply to resources, where applicable map {} no
enabled_access_analyzer_regions Regions to enable IAM Access Analyzer in list [] no
enabled_backup_regions Regions to enable AWS Backup in list [] no
enabled_config_regions Regions to enable AWS Config in list [] no
enabled_ebs_encryption_regions Regions to enable EBS encryption in list [] no
enabled_guardduty_regions Regions to enable GuardDuty in list [] no
enabled_securityhub_regions Regions to enable SecurityHub in list [] no
enabled_vpc_regions Regions to enable default VPC configuration and VPC Flow Logs in list [] no



Looking for issues?

If you're looking to raise an issue with this module, please create a new issue in the Modernisation Platform repository.