- 0
test not using Minitest::Spec as ancestor is missing described names in test filtering
#256 opened by grosser - 4
- 4
incompatible with rails 7.1
#249 opened by codykrieger - 1
ActiveJob Expectations
#252 opened by eric1234 - 2
Missing `test` method
#247 opened by tomprats - 9
must_change ignores from:, to: under Ruby 3
#246 opened by bobmazanec - 1
404: Page not found for
#244 opened by vsppedro - 5
Classes outside regular Rails directories do not inherit from `ActiveSupport::TestCase`
#233 opened by luizkowalski - 2
Generators Assertions
#216 opened by blowmage - 1
- 1
Clarification needed
#231 opened by vitaly - 11
Rails 7.0 support
#234 opened by skateman - 3
Rails 6.1.x support
#226 opened by jasonrudolph - 1
No tags or branches for rails 4?
#225 opened by zenspider - 4
- 0
- 2
Upgrading from 3.0.0 to 5.2.0 (and 6.0.0) causes fixtures to not be recreated after every test case
#222 opened by yawhide - 6
- 6
Rails 5: Assert (no) tag error
#198 opened by ericboehs - 8
Can minitest-rails be used with Rails 6 beta 2 ?
#212 opened by mariogmz - 10
- 1
Could not find generator minitest:install.
#207 opened by krtschmr - 1
Advise for overriding the generators templates
#208 opened by gpr - 1
- 1
check_pending! vs maintain_test_schema!
#173 opened by abatko - 1
- 1
ActionMailer Assertions
#214 opened by blowmage - 0
ActionCable Assertions
#213 opened by blowmage - 0
ActiveJob Assertions
#215 opened by blowmage - 4
- 8
Helpers not being included in Minitest (5.11.3)
#211 opened by xiobot - 3
rails5 minitest can't run because undefined method `blank?' for class `Minitest::Mock'
#197 opened by tianlu1677 - 7
- 5
- 6
- 3
Cannot use assert_difference and active_support/testing/assertions methods in PORO classes
#189 opened by allavena - 4
unable to use 'describe' block for controller with Devise
#200 opened by gpr - 9
test run twice rails5
#185 opened by elfassy - 5
controller tests all broken on rails 5 because they want to be integration tests
#195 opened by grosser - 5
Routing issue with 3.0.0.rc1
#193 opened by billhorsman - 2
Rebase the rails5 branch against master
#182 opened by pwnall - 7
- 2
The rails5 branch breaks with rails edge
#183 opened by pwnall - 2
Error in documentation
#176 opened by hexdigest - 5
minitest-rails in Gemfile
#174 opened by abatko - 9
Issue with Global before each and after
#187 opened by epinault - 12
- 4
rails generate minitest:install or any other rails generate minitest:suchandsuch does not work!
#177 opened by lustremedia - 5
test factories first, after upgrade to 2.1.1
#172 opened by abatko - 4