
GIF picture format decoding library written in C

Primary LanguageC

ngiflib version 0.5.
(c) Thomas BERNARD
All rights Reserved
Tous droits réservés.

Please contact me at thomas.bernard8@free.fr if you want to use this library.
Contactez moi à l'adresse thomas.bernard8@free.fr si vous voulez utiliser cette

defines :
 DEBUG :                    add debug functions
 NGIFLIB_NO_FILE :          remove dependencies to stdio FILE
 NGIFLIB_INDEXED_ONLY :     remove code for truecolor output
 NGIFLIB_ENABLE_CALLBACKS : enable palette and line callbacks
 DNGIFLIBSDL_LOG :          enable log to stdout in ngiflibSDL.c
 EXTRA_MALLOC_CHECK :       add null check for the return value of ngiflib_malloc() calls