
A Full stack web application for storing movie tickets

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TicketLog is the place where you collect all your movie tickets in form of electronic movie tickets with options for styles and notes of your choice.

Technology Stack

TicketLog is built using the following technologies:

Figma Material UI JavaScript React Node.js Express Vite MariaDB
  • Front-end: React.js
  • Back-end: Express.js
  • Database: MariaDB
  • Other Dependencies/Libraries: MUI and you can find others on package.js



Feature Description
login/register register and login to the website
update profile edit account data
show all tickets show all the tickets of logged in user in the home page
view ticket and note view a ticket detail and note of a ticket
sort sort the shown tickets by created date, alphabet, ticket date
search search the name of ticket
create ticket create a ticket with information and choose ticket style
create note create a note of a ticket
update ticket and note edit the detail of ticket and note
delete ticket delete a ticket
show collection show the collection of tickets by year

Database Schema



  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/minklim47/TicketLog.git

  2. Install node modules for frontend : cd ticketlog/client npm i

  3. Install node modules for backend : cd ticketlog/server npm i

To run the frontend and backend

Frontend -> ticketlog/client

  npm run dev

Backend -> ticketlog/server

  nodemon server.js

All the following responds will be wrapped with this data before sending

Parameter Type Description
success boolean status of request
message string message for each request
data JSON the actual data

API endpoints



POST /auth/login

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
email string email address
password string password must be at least 8 characters with uppercase letter, lowercase letter and number.


  email: "minklim47@gmail.com",
  password: "Password12300"



200 login successful

Parameter Type Description
id int user id
email string email address
token string the token contains user id and email address


  id: 1,
  email: "minklim47@gmail.com",
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ..."

If success, the Response will be sent with cookie named user and token and userId will be store in localStorage



POST /auth/register

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
name string display name
email string email address
password string password must be at least 8 characters with uppercase letter, lowercase letter and number.
location string location


  email: "minklim47@gmail.com",
  password: "Password12300",



200 login successful

Parameter Type Description
id int user id
email string email address
token string the token contains user id and email address


  id: 1,
  email: "minklim47@gmail.com",
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ..."

Check Login


GET /auth/checklogin

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
user string token "user" in the cookies


  user: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ...""



200 "User is logged in with ID: " + decoded.userId + " with email: " + decoded.email,

Get Logged in User


GET /user/:userId

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
userId int user id



200 get logged in user successful

Parameter Type Description
id int user id
name string display name
email string email address
location string location


  id: 1,
  name: "MinkLim",
  email: "minklim47@gmail.com",
  lcoation: "Bangkok"

Edit user information


PATCH /user/:userId

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
userId int user id
name string display name
location string location
currentPassword string current password
newPassword string new password



200 change information and/or password successful

Get all tickets of logged in user


GET /ticket/home/:userId

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
userId string user id



200 get tickets successful

in the data there is an array of object with properties below:

Parameter Type Description
id int ticket id
title string ticket title
cinema string cinema
seat string seat number
date string ticket date
time string ticket time
movie_id int id of a movie associated with the ticket
is_private boolean the visibility of the ticket
created_at datetime datetime the ticket is created at
style string style of a ticket
user_id int user id of ticket's owner


        cinema: "aff",
        created_at: "2023-06-01T08:43:01.000Z",
        date: "2023-05-31T17:00:00.000Z",
        id: 60,
        is_private: 0,
        movie_id: null,
        seat: "asf",
        style: "style-1",
        time: "08:42:57",
        title: "sfaf",
        user_id: 56

Get infomation of a ticket


GET /ticket/:ticketId

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
ticketId int ticket id



200 get ticket successful

in the data there is an array of object with properties below:

Parameter Type Description
id int ticket id
title string ticket title
cinema string cinema
seat string seat number
date string ticket date
time string ticket time
movie_id int id of a movie associated with the ticket
is_private boolean the visibility of the ticket
created_at datetime datetime the ticket is created at
style string style of a ticket
user_id int user id of ticket's owner


    cinema: "aff",
    created_at: "2023-06-01T08:43:01.000Z",
    date: "2023-05-31T17:00:00.000Z",
    id: 60,
    is_private: 0,
    movie_id: null,
    seat: "asf",
    style: "style-1",
    time: "08:42:57",
    title: "sfaf",
    user_id: 56

Create a ticket


POST /ticket/

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
title string ticket title
cinema string cinema
seat string seat number
date string ticket date
time string ticket time
isPrivate boolean the visibility of the ticket
selectedStyle string style of a ticket
userId int user id of ticket's owner
note JSON note object of the ticket

body of note

Parameter Type Description
title string note title
content string note content



200 create ticket successful

in the data there is an array of object with properties below:

Parameter Type Description
ticketId int ticket id
noteId int note id


    ticketId: 1,
    noteId: 1

Edit a ticket


PATCH /ticket/:ticketId

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
ticketId int ticket id
updates JSON object of updated ticket properties
note JSON object of updated note properties

body of updates

Parameter Type Description
title string ticket title
cinema string cinema
seat string seat number
date string ticket date
time string ticket time
isPrivate boolean the visibility of the ticket
selectedStyle string style of a ticket

body of note

Parameter Type Description
title string note title
content string note content
ticketId int ticket id



200 ticket and note update successful"

Delete a ticket


DELETE /ticket/:ticketId

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
ticketId int ticket id



200 ticket id ${ticketId} deleted successful

Get note of the ticket


GET /note/:ticketId

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
ticketId int ticket id



200 get note of ticket ${ticketId} successful

in the data there is an array of object with properties below:

Parameter Type Description
id int note id
title string note title
content string note content
ticket_id string ticket id


    id: 20,
    title: "The best movie ever!" 
    content: "This movie deserve an oscar, yes, the movie I'm talking about is เสือเผ่น๑",
    ticket_id: 61