- Simple structure project
- JWT auth with refresh token (made by description https://gist.github.com/zmts/802dc9c3510d79fd40f9dc38a12bccfc )
- Rest api registration, authorization, restore and confirm restore
- Autogenerate password
- Send email from mailgun
- Validation schema wrapped AJV
- Send email with template from .ejs
- Responsive email template https://github.com/leemunroe/responsive-html-email-template
- Catched email to .eml files on dev mode
- Error decorator
- Handler error and logging
- Docker compose
- Simple structure project
- Create react app
- Design library Ant.Design
- Redux for state menagment
- Token is stored in LocalStorage
- Uses Axios interceptors for refresh token
Detailed description of the launch application in each of these folders
The project will change over time, if you have advice on how to do better write to me minorforyounot[replace]gmail.com