
Ethereum based voting and smart contract implementation with test data and plug and play mining nodes and setup files.

Ethereum based own samrt contract implementation for a corporate voting system

Ethereum test-network which enables a public voting based on a limited currency. This could be used for universities or campanies to create their own voting system with the possibility of vote-sharing and automated actions triggered by a certain number of votes. Demo is ready to use.

  • General Hint Do not use the provided accounts for real transactions in the main-ethreum-network, Use them only withon the test-network setting!!!

This demo consists of:

  • Three mining nodes
  • External Contracts owned by each account to encapusalte the minning accounts
  • More than 1800 already mined blocks
  • Lots of past transactions stored in the logfiles and history
  • Own token (Unversity Votes) deployed as Smart-Contract with tokens/vote rights splitted between all accounts and their public contracts
  • DAO (University Mannheim). Every owner of the University token is automatically member of the DAO and is allowed to create proposals and votes.

The Smart-Contract code is stored in "_infos/". They are based on the Ethereum-Templates: https://www.ethereum.org/token

2. Network structure:

Devnet structure

Project files and folder

Description of all important files wthin the project

_infos directory

For example screenshots and further network infos as the accunts.txt


Root of our Ethereum network contains all network related data


Bootnode file


Network initial definition, this is our first block, created with ppupeth.
This network uses the proof of authority concept.

node0, node1 and node2

..* Our three working Nodes. All of them are allowed to mine.
..* Every Node consists of the following files: geth (contains all blockchain-data), history (consists all past javascript-console transactions comands), keystore (consists of the public account-UTC-files, for easy administration node0/keystore consists all three keystore files), password.txt (password file for the account of this node to simplify the startprocedure)

node0.log, node1.log and node2.log

Logfiles for each Node to make every transaction persistent.


Setup instructions

3. Ethereum Network Setup

  • Tested with OSX 10.13.4



  • Git clone Project

  • Open Terminal

  • Change to working directory: Ethereum_network/devnet

  • Start bootnode:

    bootnode -nodekey boot.key -verbosity 9 -addr :30310

  • Bootnode should return it name, write it down or copy it, example output.

    "bootnode: enode://6119af548bfdc5948a8e440f50b054ae75be7f9cbf3ef8d0681a905cc7cd326587690d22cfc2b7c1bdf8ece179ee1e45fc3b988d54287443534cd4f72602d859@[::]:30310"

  • Start a new terminal with three tabs and go to the devnet dir

  • Start Node0 - no mining, multiple keystore files for later Ethereum Wallet usage, --> adjust the bootnode-param

    geth --datadir node0/ --etherbase '7d82095715752f45b048d056a4383e013a4bf2ee' --syncmode 'full' --port 30320 --rpc --rpcaddr 'localhost' --rpcport 8500 --rpcapi 'personal,db,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner' --bootnodes 'enode://6119af548bfdc5948a8e440f50b054ae75be7f9cbf3ef8d0681a905cc7cd326587690d22cfc2b7c1bdf8ece179ee1e45fc3b988d54287443534cd4f72602d859@' --networkid 42 --gasprice '1' --unlock '7d82095715752f45b048d056a4383e013a4bf2ee' --password node0/password.txt console 2>>node0.log

  • Start Node1, single keystore file, mining --> adjust the bootnode-param

    geth --datadir node1/ --syncmode 'full' --port 30321 --rpc --rpcaddr 'localhost' --rpcport 8501 --rpcapi 'personal,db,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner' --bootnodes 'enode://6119af548bfdc5948a8e440f50b054ae75be7f9cbf3ef8d0681a905cc7cd326587690d22cfc2b7c1bdf8ece179ee1e45fc3b988d54287443534cd4f72602d859@' --networkid 42 --gasprice '1' --unlock '58f998ac0db4cd278459f83ab2ad7a0bbddd48ef' --password node1/password.txt --mine console 2>>node1.log

  • Start Node2 single keystore file, mining --> adjust the bootnode-param

    geth --datadir node2/ --syncmode 'full' --port 30322 --rpc --rpcaddr 'localhost' --rpcport 8502 --rpcapi 'personal,db,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner' --bootnodes 'enode://6119af548bfdc5948a8e440f50b054ae75be7f9cbf3ef8d0681a905cc7cd326587690d22cfc2b7c1bdf8ece179ee1e45fc3b988d54287443534cd4f72602d859@' --networkid 42 --gasprice '1' --unlock '7092fbc7f89c81e4118c481f822cc6e128fc6365' --password node2/password.txt --mine console 2>>node2.log

  • Start a new terminal with three tabs for our logs and open all three logfiles.

    tail -f node0.log, tail -f node1.log, tail -f node2.log

  • Start the Ethereum Wallet, --> adjust the "--prc param" to the working dir of your Node0

    open -a /Applications/"Ethereum Wallet.app" --args --rpcport "8500" --rpc $HOME/Git/Ethereum_network/devnet/node0/geth.ipc

  • Check the botnode console, can you see every working Node?

  • After 1-2 minutes Node1 and Node2 should start mining, you can start the miner of Node0 with:


  • To follow all transactions of the University-Votes-Token and the University-DAO, please go to the "contracts"-Tab and add the two smart contract-accounts:


> 0xb296046B30bFfE02d0111D824Aa86a0D65ec95B8


> 0xCf67708873388542Db6B8A32A65FDAD02782C000
  • Enjoy! ;)

4. Delete all past block data = new init of the genesis-block

  • stop all Nodes and the bootnode
  • remove the geth and history folders
  • geth --datadir node0/ init genesis.json
  • geth --datadir node1/ init genesis.json
  • geth --datadir node2/ init genesis.json
  • startup the bootnode and the working nodes

5. Some initial help

Help if Port is in Use:


Example-usage of the RPC Interface via curl or postman

curl http://localhost:8500 -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBalance","params":["0x7d82095715752f45b048d056a4383e013a4bf2ee","latest"],"id":1}'

Example Javascript-Console comands

  • eth.sendTransaction({'from':eth.coinbase, 'to':'0x7092fbc7f89c81e4118c481f822cc6e128fc6365', 'value':web3.toWei(3, 'ether')})
  • eth.coinbase
  • eth.blockNumber
  • eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase)

function checkAllBalances() { var totalBal = 0; for (var acctNum in eth.accounts) { var acct = eth.accounts[acctNum]; var acctBal = web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(acct), "ether"); totalBal += parseFloat(acctBal); console.log(" eth.accounts[" + acctNum + "]: \t" + acct + " \tbalance: " + acctBal + " ether"); } console.log(" Total balance: " + totalBal + " ether"); };