
Simple PHP Function to calculate the mortgage payments.

Primary LanguagePHP



Simple PHP Function to calculate the mortgage payments.


Step 1 Include the class


Step 2 Create a new instance of the class

$phpMortgagePayment = new phpMortgagePayment();

Step 3 Just pass the parameters

$amount = 50000;
$interest = 6.5;
$months = 360;

echo "Amount: $$amount <br />Interest: $interest <br />Months: $months <hr>";
echo "The monthly payment is: $".$phpMortgagePayment->calculatePayment($amount,$interest,$months);

Class or Function

I have it as a Class but it can also be used as a simple function

Tags (keywords)

  • php mortgage payments
  • calculate mortgage payments with php
  • php mortgage payments class
  • php mortgage payments function