
powerful discord bot with many uses

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


🍟 invite / use in your server

invite link can be found at: invite.nypsi.xyz

🍪 top.gg

top.gg url: https://top.gg/bot/678711738845102087

🌴 support

join the support server: https://discord.gg/hJTDNST or add me max#0777

💰 patreon

gimme ur moneis ):< - haha joking but seriously check out the patreon it would help me massively, you also get benefits with the bot!!! https://patreon.com/nypsi

🌵 features

better showcase of features can be found on the bot's website: nypsi.xyz

💸 gambling / economy
  • nypsi has a seasonal economy system, meaning that the economy resets every few months. this also means that the top 5 richest users on the bot at the end of every season receive real life rewards, such as paypal money or equivalent
🛠 moderation
  • every ban, kick, mute, warn, unban and unmute that is ran through nypsi is logged and saved and can be accessed with the $history and $case commands. with all of these commands you are also able to punish multiple people in the same command. use $help mod to view all of the moderation commands available. you are also able to moderate the $snipe / $esnipe command by including a filter with $sf
⛏ minecraft
  • [disclaimer] - this bot is not affiliated with minecraft/mojang in any way there are two minecraft related commands being $mc and $skin, both allow you to view information about a minecraft account, including past names and their current skin
💬 social media
  • the $socials command allows you to view other people's social media accounts and allows you to add your own - your accounts will only be displayed if you add them to the bot, run $socials help for more information
📊 server stats
  • nypsi tracks every server's member peaks, this information can be viewed with $server
  • nypsi is also able to create a member counter for your server, similar to other bots but allows you to customise it for free - $counter
🎅 christmas countdown
  • 24/7 running christmas countdown, updates daily
  • sends a message to a specified channel once everyday with a customisable message
🎮 fun commands
  • there are a lot of fun commands available for use, including $reddit which allows you to grab a random image from any subreddit, as well as $ddos which will generate a fake ip address
  • very simple method of creating small/large polls with the $poll command
✅ information
  • nypsi is able to calculate join positions and join dates of any user in any server, this can be seen with $join or $user
  • there is also a $lookup command which allows you to lookup information about domain names and IP addresses

🏗 installation / cloning

i'm not gonna help with installation if you want to clone the code and make it for yourself, if you believe you're good enough to manage the bot you should be able to figure that out for yourself.

🖼 screenshots

  • $socials

socials command

  • $mc

mc command

  • $skin

skin command

  • $join

join command

  • $game

game command

  • $history

history command

  • $case

case command