
A python implementation of Covariance Matrix Adaptation MAP-Annealing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Covariance Matrix Adaptation MAP-Annealing

This repository contains code for the experiments of the Covariance Matrix Adaptation MAP-Annealing (CMA-MAE) paper.

The project contains a modified version of pyribs a quality diversity optimization library from the Differentiable Quality Diversity paper (github). We implement the CMA-MAE and CMA-MAEGA algorithms in pyribs. The AnnealingEmitter (see ribs/emitters/_annealing_emitter.py) implements the CMA-MAE algorithm and the GradientAnnealingEmitter (see ribs/emitters/_gradient_annealing_emitter.py) implements the CMA-MAEGA algorithm. We modify ArchiveBase (see ribs/archives/_archive_base.py) to implement acceptance thresholds needed by both algorithms.


The project builds in Anaconda.

Once installed, create the conda environment with the following command:

conda env create -f experiments/environment.yml

Next activate the conda environment and install pyribs:

conda activate cma_mae_exps
pip3 install -e .[all]

Pretrained Models

To run LSI experiments, you must first download the StyleGAN pretrained models from the StyleGAN repo. Place the .pt file in the folder experiments/lsi_clip.

CLIP automatically installs with the conda environment.

Running Experiments

For each experiment you pick an identifier for the algorithm you want to run.

Quality Diversity Algorithm Identifier
MAP-Elites map_elites
MAP-Elites (line) map_elites_line
CMA-ME cma_me
CMA-ME* cma_me_star
CMA-MAE cma_mae
CMA-MEGA cma_mega
CMA-MAEGA cma_maega

Linear Projection (sphere)

To run an experiment with MAP-Elites:

conda activate cma_mae_exps
cd experiments/lin_proj

python3 lin_proj.py map_elites --objective sphere

To run a different algorithm replace map_elites with another identifier from the above table.

For additional options see:

python3 lin_proj.py --help

Linear Projection (Rastrigin)

To run an experiment with MAP-Elites:

conda activate cma_mae_exps
cd experiments/lin_proj

python3 lin_proj.py map_elites --objective Rastrigin

To run a different algorithm replace map_elites with another identifier from the above table.

For additional options see:

python3 lin_proj.py --help

Linear Projection (plateau)

To run an experiment with MAP-Elites:

conda activate cma_mae_exps
cd experiments/lin_proj

python3 lin_proj.py map_elites --objective plateau

To run a different algorithm replace map_elites with another identifier from the above table.

For additional options see:

python3 lin_proj.py --help

Arm Repertoire

To run an experiment with MAP-Elites:

conda activate cma_mae_exps
cd experiments/arm

python3 arm.py map_elites

To run a different algorithm replace map_elites with another identifier from the above table.

For additional options see:

python3 arm.py --help

Latent Space Illumination (LSI)

To run an experiment with MAP-Elites:

conda activate cma_mae_exps
cd experiments/lsi_clip

python3 lsi.py map_elites 

To run a different algorithm replace map_elites with another identifier from the above table.

For additional options see:

python3 lsi.py --help


The following tables contain the reported results from the paper and commands to run each experiment.

Linear Projection (sphere)

Quality Diversity Algorithms QD-score Coverage Experiment Command
MAP-Elites 41.64 50.80% python3 lin_proj.py map_elites --objective sphere
MAP-Elites (line) 49.07 60.42% python3 lin_proj.py map_elites_line --objective sphere
CMA-ME 36.50 42.82% python3 lin_proj.py cma_me --objective sphere
CMA-MAE 64.86 83.31% python3 lin_proj.py cma_mae --alpha 0.01 --objective sphere

Linear Projection (Rastrigin)

Quality Diversity Algorithms QD-score Coverage Experiment Command
MAP-Elites 31.43 47.88% python3 lin_proj.py map_elites --objective Rastrigin
MAP-Elites (line) 38.29 56.51% python3 lin_proj.py map_elites_line --objective Rastrigin
CMA-ME 38.02 53.09% python3 lin_proj.py cma_me --objective Rastrigin
CMA-MAE 52.65 80.46% python3 lin_proj.py cma_mae --alpha 0.01 --objective Rastrigin

Linear Projection (plateau)

Quality Diversity Algorithms QD-score Coverage Experiment Command
MAP-Elites 47.07 47.07% python3 lin_proj.py map_elites --objective plateau
MAP-Elites (line) 52.20 52.20% python3 lin_proj.py map_elites_line --objective plateau
CMA-ME 34.54 34.54% python3 lin_proj.py cma_me --objective plateau
CMA-MAE 79.27 79.29% python3 lin_proj.py cma_mae --alpha 0.01 --objective plateau

Arm Repertoire

Quality Diversity Algorithms QD-score Coverage Experiment Command
MAP-Elites 71.40 74.09% python3 arm.py map_elites
MAP-Elites (line) 74.55 75.61% python3 arm.py map_elites_line
CMA-ME 75.82 75.89% python3 arm.py cma_me
CMA-MAE 79.03 79.24% python3 arm.py cma_mae --alpha 0.01

Latent Space Illumination (LSI)

Quality Diversity Algorithms QD-score Coverage Experiment Command
MAP-Elites 12.85 19.42% python3 lsi.py map_elites
MAP-Elites (line) 14.40 21.11% python3 lsi.py map_elites_line
CMA-ME 14.00 19.57% python3 lsi.py cma_me
CMA-MAE 17.67 25.08% python3 lsi.py cma_mae --alpha 0.1

See the paper and supplementary materials for full data and standard error bars.


pyribs and this project are both released under the MIT License.

pyribs MIT License