- aliciatb@KingCounty
- benetkaNorwegian University of Science and Technology | specuLAB
- binhe22飞书
- branningLos Angeles, CA
- cbouey
- charsmithNetflix
- coder-chenzhiHangzhou, China
- cwharland@textioHQ
- d18s@trustpilot
- d2207197
- esafakArchipelago AI
- fish2000Objects in Space and Time, LLC
- freeman-lab@carbonplan
- giulioungaretti@LEGO
- he0x
- hmourit
- jaredthecoder@securityscorecard
- jazzwangHsinChu, Taiwan
- jiamo
- KLXNKraków
- lmillefioriItaly
- nehaleckyHumanSignal
- ocanbascilLondon
- paulochfSão Paulo, SP, Brazil
- pchalasaniMLResearch
- rdhyee
- rgbkrkAnaconda
- rholderAustin, TX
- richardskim111Cambridge, MA
- robcowieRecycleye
- ryan-williamsJersey City
- seanjh@rbilabs
- smrtslckr
- staredex: Quantum Flytrap CTO & cofounder
- wy36101299