
Tried activating autosave extension, but got error message

houshuang opened this issue · 11 comments

weird - what do you see in ls ~/.ipython/extensions?

[~] ls ~/.ipython/extensions



On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Min RK notifications@github.com wrote:

ls ~/.ipython/extensions

http://reganmian.net/blog -- Random Stuff that Matters

hm, I can't imagine why that wouldn't work, then.

What do you get for:


And what IPython version?

In [77]:




Version 0.13.1, using EPD (but have upgraded iPython using enpkg).

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:14 PM, Min RK notifications@github.com wrote:


http://reganmian.net/blog -- Random Stuff that Matters

One more thing - what are the contents of that autosave.py in your
extensions folder?

"""Extension for managing periodic autosave of IPython notebooks


%load_ext autosave

autosave every 30 seconds:

%autosave 30

disable autosave:

%autosave 0

invoke save from Python:



from IPython.core.magic import magics_class, line_magic, Magics
from IPython.display import Javascript, display

_autosave_js_t = """

// clear previous interval, if there was one
if (IPython.autosave_extension_interval) {{
IPython.autosave_extension_interval = null;

// set new interval
if ({0}) {{
console.log("scheduling autosave every {0} ms");
IPython.autosave_extension_interval = setInterval(function() {{
}}, {0});
}} else {{
console.log("canceling autosave");

class AutoSaveMagics(Magics):

interval = 60
enabled = False

def autosave_js(interval):
    if interval:
        print("autosaving every %is" % interval)
        print("autosave disabled")
    display(Javascript(_autosave_js_t.format(1000 * interval)))

def autosave(self, line):
    """Schedule notebook autosave


        %autosave [interval]

    If `interval` is given, IPython will autosave the notebook every

interval seconds.
If interval is 0, autosave is disabled.

    If no interval is specified, autosave is toggled.
    line = line.strip()
    if not line:
        # empty line, toggle
        self.enabled = bool(1 - self.enabled)
        interval = int(line)
        if interval:
            self.enabled = True
            self.interval = interval
            self.enabled = False

    self.autosave_js(self.enabled * self.interval)

def savenb(self, line):
    """save the current notebook

    This magic invokes the same javascript as the 'Save' button in the

notebook UI.

_loaded = False

def load_ipython_extension(ip):
"""Load the extension in IPython."""
global _loaded
if not _loaded:
_loaded = True
print ("Usage: %autosave [seconds]")

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Min RK notifications@github.com wrote:

One more thing - what are the contents of that autosave.py in your
extensions folder?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/1#issuecomment-11393726.

http://reganmian.net/blog -- Random Stuff that Matters

Okay, then everything seems to be working perfectly. What if you define your own extension, just put an empty foo.py in your extension folder, and try %load_ext foo. If that doesn't work, something is wrong with your IPython installation, and you should bring that up as an IPython issue.

That went fine.

In [15]:

%load_ext foo

In [ ]:

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 11:47 PM, Min RK notifications@github.com wrote:

%load_ext foo

http://reganmian.net/blog -- Random Stuff that Matters

Well, now that doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense. %load_ext autosave doesn't work, even after %load_ext foo does?

Of course, now it works perfectly. Apart from playing with different
notebooks, I am quite sure I have not touched the IPython setup. I'm sorry
if I have wasted your time, but glad that it works.

okay - I wonder why it didn't work. Might be something funky if you run %install_ext and %load_ext in the same session.