
WherePenn is an android mobile application project for UPenn Penn Labs Technical Challenge, Fall 2019.It displays foodtrucks and OCR buildings in UPenn, along with its detailed information and location via Google Maps.


Clone the repository below and import into Android Studio


It is recommended to run the project on Actual Android Device, becuase some virtual emulators might not support GPS/Navigation functionality.

Below is the quick link for android phone setups for running the project!



Animated GIF-downsized_large-3 Animated GIF-downsized_large-2 Animated GIF-downsized_large-6



  • Uses Tablayouts, RecyclerViews, and SearchViews for visual clarity
  • Uses Google Maps to locate 16 food trucks stored as foodTruck.json
  • Provides two versions of sorted RecyclerViews(ratings, location proximity)
  • Let users search for building info using the API from PennLabs (API end point: https://api.pennlabs.org/buildings/search?q=hill)


WherePenn requires the following permissions:

  • Full Network Access
  • Location Permission


This project is mantained by:


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Project Status

There are minor issues:

  1. Foodtruck Fragment - sorting foodtrucks by locations (it runs fine after double-clicked)
  2. There occurs random errors when View Map button is clicked on Foodtruck Fragment
  3. Building Fragment - need further implementation of road-views.

Project is to be modified later, and is always welcome for updates!