
Bridge between Xiaomi Airpurifier 3H and MQTT written using python asyncio.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Bridge between Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H and MQTT written in python asyncio.


The script uses python-miio to communicate with air purifier. In order to get the communication working you need to get your device token. Refer to Getting started section of python-miio to find out how to obtain it.


Getting air purifier state

The script polls multiple air purifiers states and publishes them to MQTT broker as a JSON. Example JSON payload published for air purifier defined in configuration file as my-airpurifier to MQTT topic airpurifier/my-airpurifier/state:

  "temperature": 20.9,
  "power": "On",
  "aqi": 8,
  "average_aqi": 23,
  "humidity": 50,
  "fan_level": 2,
  "filter_hours_used": 43,
  "filter_life_remaining": 98,
  "favorite_level": 5,
  "child_lock": false,
  "led": true,
  "motor_speed": 1262,
  "purify_volume": 5182,
  "use_time": 156000,
  "buzzer": false,
  "filter_rfid_product_id": "0:0:31:31",
  "filter_rfid_tag": "80:6c:50:1a:33:49:4",
  "mode": "Favorite",
  "led_brightness": "Off",
  "filter_type": "Regular"

Controlling air purifier

Air purifier can be controlled by publishing JSON formatted commands to MQTT. For example, if you want to power on your device defined in configuration file as my-airpurifier, then you need to publish following JSON message to topic airpurifier/my-airpurifier/set:

{"power": "On"}

You can publish multiple commands at once, for example:

{"power": "Off", "mode": "Favorite", "favirote_level": 10}

There is also an alternative way. You can include command name in MQTT topic like this airpurifier/my-airpurifier/set/power with payload On to power on air purifier.

Supported commands

  • power. Possible values: "On", "Off"
  • mode. Possible values:
    • "Auto" - corresponds to "Auto" mode in Xiaomi Home app
    • "Silent" - corresponds to "Night" mode in Xiaomi Home app
    • "Favorite" - corresponds to "Manual" mode in Xiaomi Home app
    • "Fan" - corresponds to "Level" mode in Xiaomi Home app
  • favorite_level. Fan speed in "Favorite" mode. Possible value is integer from 0 to 14

Home Assistant integration

Lovelace card

This example uses multiple-entity-row.

type: entities
title: Air purifier
show_header_toggle: false
  - entity: fan.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1
    type: 'custom:multiple-entity-row'
    toggle: true
    state_color: true
    name: Fan
      attribute: favorite_level
      name: 'Speed (0-14):'
  - entity: sensor.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_aqi
    type: 'custom:multiple-entity-row'
    name: PM 2.5
    state_header: current
    secondary_info: last-updated
    unit: μg/m³
    icon: 'mdi:dots-hexagon'
      - entity: fan.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1
        attribute: average_aqi
        name: average
        unit: μg/m³


  - platform: mqtt
    name: air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1
    unique_id: air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1
    command_topic: 'airpurifier/airpurifier-3h-1/set/power'
    json_attributes_topic: 'airpurifier/airpurifier-3h-1/state'
    state_topic: 'airpurifier/airpurifier-3h-1/state'
    state_value_template: '{{ value_json.power }}'
    payload_on: 'On'
    payload_off: 'Off'
    optimistic: true

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1', 'aqi') }}"

  - id: 'air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_off'
    alias: 'Air purifier: Off'
      - platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_aqi
        below: 15
          minutes: 3
    condition: "{{ states('fan.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1') == 'on' }}"
      - service: fan.turn_off
        entity_id: fan.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1
  - id: 'air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_on'
    alias: 'Air purifier: On'
      - platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_aqi
        above: 18
          minutes: 3
    condition: "{{ states('fan.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1') == 'off' }}"
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: airpurifier/airpurifier-3h-1/set
          payload: '{"mode": "Favorite", "favorite_level": 1}'
  - id: 'air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_speed'
    alias: 'Air purifier: Select speed'
      - platform: time_pattern
        minutes: '/5'
    condition: "{{ states('fan.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1') == 'on' }}"
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: airpurifier/airpurifier-3h-1/set/favorite_level
          payload_template: >
              {% if states('sensor.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_aqi') | int > 30 %}
              {% elif states('sensor.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_aqi') | int > 25 %}
              {% elif states('sensor.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_aqi') | int > 20 %}
              {% elif states('sensor.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_aqi') | int > 15 %}
              {% elif states('sensor.air_purifier_xiaomi_3h_1_aqi') | int > 10 %}
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}


You will need

  • airpurifier2mqtt.py - script which does the job
  • airpurifier2mqtt.yaml - configuration file
  • Python (at least 3.8)
  • Running MQTT broker

Installation steps

  1. Create directory (for example /opt/airpurifier2mqtt) and put inside airpurifier2mqtt.py

    cd /opt
    mkdir airpurifier2mqtt
    cd airpurifier2mqtt
    curl -o airpurifier2mqtt.py 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikozak/airpurifier2mqtt/main/airpurifier2mqtt.py'
  2. Create python virtual environment

    python3 -m venv env
  3. Install dependencies

    curl -o requirements.txt 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikozak/airpurifier2mqtt/main/requirements.txt'
    env/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip -r requirements.txt
  4. Install configuration file (for example in /etc)

    sudo curl -o /etc/airpurifier2mqtt.yaml 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikozak/airpurifier2mqtt/main/airpurifier2mqtt.yaml'
  5. Edit configuration file installed in previous step.

  6. Run it

    env/bin/python airpurifier2mqtt.py --config /etc/airpurifier2mqtt.yaml

Installation as a service

  1. Create system user which will be used to run service process (for the purpose of this instruction user named airpurifier2mqtt will be used)

    sudo useradd -r airpurifier2mqtt
  2. Install service

    sudo curl -o /etc/systemd/system/airpurifier2mqtt.service 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikozak/airpurifier2mqtt/main/airpurifier2mqtt.service'
  3. Verify and edit if needed in /etc/systemd/system/airpurifier2mqtt.service:

    • WorkingDirectory and ExecStart paths are valid (and absolute!)
    • User is correct (equals username created in step 1)
  4. Start service

    sudo systemctl start airpurifier2mqtt

    If you want to start the service automatically after system restart you need to enable it

    sudo systemctl enable airpurifier2mqtt

Installation on Docker

You will need

  • a Running docker environment, tested on Raspberry OS
  • git installed on the host docker is running
  • a running mqtt broker reachable from docker

Build docker image

  1. Clone the git repository to a directory of your choice
  2. Build the image
cd airpurifier2mqtt
docker build -t airpurifier2mqtt .
  1. Create a directory to hold your configuration data For example:
mkdir /docker/volumes/airpurifier2mqtt/data
  1. Create and modify the configuration yaml (Only when running the container for the first time)

In the directory created above, install the provided example configuration

cp ./airpurifier2mqtt.yaml /docker/volumes/airpurifier2mqtt/data/airpurifier2mqtt.yaml

Update at the IP address and token of the Air Purifier as well as the URL of the MQTT Server

  1. Start the container

Replace <path_to_config_dir> by the absolute path of the directory in 3

docker run --network host --name airpurifier2mqtt -v <path_to_config_dir>:/data airpurifier2mqtt

So it looks like this if you follow my example above

docker run --network host --name airpurifier2mqtt -v /docker/volumes/airpurifier2mqtt/data:/data airpurifier2mqtt