Metalsmith Include Content NPM version

A Metalsmith plugin that allows content to be included (nested) within other content by including the file path in the document.

Continuous testing courtesy of travis-ci:

Build Status


This package can be installed through npm:

npm install metalsmith-include-content



If you are using the JS api for Metalsmith, then you can require the module and add it to your .use() directives:

var include = require('metalsmith-include-content');

  .build(function(err) {


Then in your markdown files (using the default pattern it needs to be at the start of the line):

include path/to/file


If you are using the command-line version of Metalsmith, you can install via npm, and then add the metalsmith-include-content key to your metalsmith.json file:

  "plugins": {
    "metalsmith-include-content": {
      "pattern": "^include (.*)",
      "ignoreMissing": false


The plugin allows you to override the default behaviour by passing in options.

  • pattern is the regular expression pattern that is used for finding includes
  • ignoreMissing allows you to show or hide warnings if the include file does not exist


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.