
Helm repository for Mintel charts - https://mintel.github.io

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Mintel Helm repository

Mintel application Helm Charts for Kubernetes Helm.


Adding Mintel Charts Repo

helm repo add mintel https://mintel.github.io/helm-charts

Searching Mintel Charts

helm search repo mintel --devel
mintel/standard-application-stack	0.1.0-rc1    	     		Mintel Standard Application Stack

Note: At Mintel, we handle consume these using Tanka which is our primary means of templating Kubernetes manifests.


Whenever making a change to a chart, you must update the version:

  • Update <chartname>/CHANGELOG.md
  • Update <chartname>/Chart.yaml with the new version number from CHANGELOG.md
  • Run pre-commit hook to automatically update the docs
    pre-commit install && pre-commit run -a


Unit tests are integrated into the pull request workflow, but can also be run locally.

# Remove old versions of the plugin
helm plugin uninstall unittest

helm plugin install https://github.com/helm-unittest/helm-unittest.git
helm unittest ./charts/standard-application-stack --strict

This repo makes use of snapshot testing to detect unexpected changes to manifests. When you run the tests after making a change that effects existing manifests, you will see a lot of test errors complaining about differences between what the chart renders and the snapshots. Review the changes and, if you're satisfied, update the snapshots by rerunning the tests with the --update-snapshot flag:

helm unittest ./charts/standard-application-stack --strict --update-snapshot

When adding new tests, please be sure to always add a matchSnapshot assertion:

- it: does something
    - matchSnapshot: {} # <-- Make sure to always add this after `asserts`!