
Automation Anywhere Python API integration

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Automation Anywhere Python API Integration


This Python module is used to talk to Automation Anywhere 360 and start Tasks on selected machines.

Automation Anywhere does have a basic check if the task was "asked to be deployed" successfully, albeit very simple, it's still better then nothing.


There are some minimum dependencies:

pip install requests>=2.21 

After installing them, you can proceed with the installation:

pip install automation_anywhere


As is, for the version 360, you can use the package to deploy a task as such:

from automation_anywhere.executor import Executor
base_url = 'https://your-automation-controlroom-url/'
username = 'your-username'
password = 'your-password'
aa_executor = Executor(base_url, username, password)
devices, _, error = aa_executor.list_devices(hostname='host', run_as_user='user_to_run_as')
if error is not None:
  # handle the error
automations, _, error = aa_executor.list_automations(name='Test')
if error is not None:
  # handle the error
# Get the run as user id to execute, we'll just get the first one
users_ids = int(devices[0]['defaultUsers'][0]['id'])
# Get the automation id to execute, we'll just get the first one
automation_id = int(automations[0]['id'])
# Deploy
success, error, deployment_id, deployment_name = aa_executor.deploy(automation_id, [users_ids])
if success:
  # handle the error
  print(f'Deployed on id {deployment_id} with name {deployment_name}')

The errors will come 100% from the APIs of the Control Room.

What about task status?

I found an endpoint where you can get the job execution status, by filtering it via deployment id or deployment name. Here's a sample usage:

from automation_anywhere.executor import Executor
base_url = 'https://your-automation-controlroom-url/'
username = 'your-username'
password = 'your-password'
deploy_id = '377b04a5-fa8b-4e4a-8db5-8d769fd6639b'
deploy_name = 'Test.2023.'
aa_executor = Executor(base_url, username, password)
success, error, data = aa_executor.status(deploy_id=deploy_id)

And the dictionary output:

[{'automationId': '',
'automationName': 'Test.2023.',
'automationPriority': 'PRIORITY_MEDIUM',
'botLabel': '',
'callbackInfo': '',
'canManage': True,
'command': 'logToFile',
'createdBy': '41',
'createdOn': '2023-05-19T17:28:51.949121Z',
'currentBotName': 'Test',
'currentLine': 1,
'deploymentId': '377b04a5-fa8b-4e4a-8db5-8d769fd6639b',
'deviceId': '10',
'deviceName': 'utils',
'endDateTime': '2023-05-19T17:29:23.438893600Z',
'fileId': '459',
'fileName': 'Test',
'filePath': '',
'id': '5a3823af-3495-4692-9a08-0da80e70f046_06a59328ad01bfaa',
'message': '',
'modifiedBy': '41',
'modifiedOn': '2023-05-19T17:29:25.115503Z',
'progress': 100,
'queueId': '',
'queueName': '',
'runElevated': False,
'startDateTime': '2023-05-19T17:29:21.602952600Z',
'status': 'COMPLETED',
'tenantUuid': '0a662aeb-8728-11a9-8187-bed41445010e',
'totalLines': 1,
'type': 'RUN_NOW',
'userId': '41',
'userName': 'test@test.com',
'usingRdp': False}]

Basically it's a list with all executions found with the filter, and all their status.