
TensorFlow Image Classifier Files that can be used to classify whether an image is of a Spiral or an Elliptical Galaxy

Primary LanguagePython

Tensorflow Elliptical vs Sprial Galaxy Image Classifier

This is the repository developed for 'Image Classifier in TensorFlow in 5 Min on YouTube using this CodeLab by Google as a guide.

Scientists can use this classifier to automatically label whether an image taken by telescope is of a Spiral Galaxy or an Elliptical one.

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  1. Start the docker image docker run -it -v ~/projects/dump/tf_files/:/tf_files/ gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-devel

  2. Run the label_image script to label the image. python /tf_files/label_image.py <path_to_file>


###Accuracy accuracy ###Test Elliptical Galaxy Image accuracy ###Test Spiral Galaxy Image accuracy