
Collection of WinForm controls for .NET

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Random collection of WinForm controls for .NET


kontrols is listed on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/kontrols/ and can be installed from the NuGet Package manager:

Install-Package kontrols -Version 0.2.6


Control Description
DesktopIcon A control which mimicks the behavior of a Windows desktop icon.
HoverImageButton This control displays an image that changes when the user places the cursor over the control.
HoverTextButton Displays text that changes color when the user places the cursor over the control.
SimpleBorderForm A frameless Windows Form with a solid color border that is draggable.
RoundedBorderForm A frameless Windows Form with a rounded border that is draggable and resizable.
ToggleImageButton Displays an image that changes depending on if the control is toggled or not.
ZoomMenu An animated menu consisting of one or more ZoomItem. This is similiar to the Dock in macOS.

Using DesktopIcon

This control attemps to mimmick the icons on the Windows desktop.

Property Type Description
ForeColor Color The foreground color of the text.
GrayScaleWhenDisabled bool Determines if the control is drawn in grayscale when disabled
HoverColor Color The color used to indicate the mouse is over the icon.
HoverImage Image The image displayed when the cursor is over the control.HoverForeColor
IconSquare IconSize The icon will be fit into this square while the text string will account for the rest of the space
Image Image The image displayed when the cursor is not over the control.

Using HoverImageButton & ToggleImageButton

The image-based controls can also display text that can be configured using the same properties as the HoverTextButton. To configure the images you'll need to specify which image should be used for both the hover and non-hover states.

Property Type Description
GrayScaleWhenDisabled bool Determines if the control is drawn in grayscale when disabled
HoverBackColor Color The background color when the cursor is over the control.
HoverImage Image The image displayed when the cursor is over the control.
Image Image The image displayed when the cursor is not over the control.
SizeMode PictureBoxSizeMode This property is borrowed from the standard PictureBox control and provides the same behavior.

Using HoverTextButton

To use this control you need to specify which colors should be used for both the hover and non-hover states.

Property Type Description
ForeColor Color The foreground color of the text.
GrayScaleWhenDisabled bool Determines if the control is drawn in grayscale when disabled
HoverForeColor Color The foreground color of the text when the cursor is over the control.

Using SimpleBorderForm

Property Type Description
ControlBox bool This property is borrowed from the standard Form control and provides the same behavior.

This is a frameless (i.e., FormBorderStyle=None) window with a solid colored border.

  1. Add a new Windows Form to your application. For this example, the form was named MyNewForm.
  2. View the code for MyNewForm.cs and change it to inherit from SimpleBorderForm instead of Form like so:
public partial class MyNewForm : SimpleBorderForm

Now set the BorderColor property to any color and design the form like normal.

Moving the form around

By default the user can click any part of the form and drag it around. If you'd like the user to be able to move the form using a control you've added to it (i.e., a Label acting as the title) you can make that control draggable via the AddDraggableControl() method.

Resizing the form

The user can resize the form using any of the four sides or corners excluding directly above the title area.

Using RoundedBorderForm

This is a frameless (i.e., FormBorderStyle=None) window with a rounded border. It is resizable.

  1. Add a new Windows Form to your application. For this example, the form was named MyNewForm.
  2. View the code for MyNewForm.cs and change it to inherit from RoundedBorderForm instead of Form like so:
public partial class MyNewForm : RoundedBorderForm

Now set the CornerRadius property and the BackgroundColor property and then design the form like normal.

Moving the form around

By default, the user can click the title area (top center) to drag the form around.

Resizing the form

The user can resize the form using any of the four sides or corners excluding directly above the title area.

Using ZoomMenu

Each icon on the ZoomMenu is represented by a ZoomItem. To add new ZoomItems you can call the Add method passing an Image and string for the icon's image and text respectively.

zoomMenu.Add(myImage, "My Icon");

You can respond to icon clicks by subscribing to the ZoomItemClicked event:

zoomMenu.ZoomItemClicked += item => MessageBox.Show($"You clicked {item.Text}");


Included in the src folder is an example application that show how to use each of the controls.