
Purpose of the project is to introduce new features into moodle. The project aims at introducing Inline commenting feature in Moodle forums and to embed code highlighter feature into moodle forums and to embed the ability of making groups for a particular project or assignment In brief, Inline commenting feature is to comment on a part of section of code or forum, so as to enhance communication between Professor/TA’s and student with the feature of Professor being able to moderate the thread. Code highlighter feature is to increase visual appeal and to make code more readable. We will be able to create groups of student for particular project or assignment so that they all can view same submission page and will be able to get marks and crib through same thread we are creating.

Primary LanguagePHP


Undergraduate Database Course Project
Prof. Sudarshan

Team Members
1) Sriram Bhargav
2) Varun Reddy
3) Deepankar Reddy
4) Hasan Kumar Reddy A

    Purpose of the project is to introduce new features into moodle. The project
aims at introducing inline commenting feature in Moodle forums and to embed code
highlighter feature into moodle forums and to embed the ability of making groups
for a particular project or assignment In brief, Inline commenting feature is to
comment on a part of section of code or forum, so as to enhance communication 
between Professor/TA’s and student with the feature of Professor being able to 
moderate the thread. Code highlighter feature is to increase visual appeal and 
to make code more readable. We will be able to create groups of student for 
particular project or assignment so that they all can view same submission page 
and will be able to get marks and crib through same thread we are creating.

* The folder 'moodle' contains the files which are either newly created or changed when compared with moodle_2.1.2+ version
* Please merge and overwrite the given folder with original code base to get complete code.