CS4032 - Distributed Systems

Distributed Search Project

Miles McGuire - 07502192

  • Main code resides in lib/peernet.js, with additional code in lib/messages.js and lib/hashit.js
  • Implements the original specification for the assignment (pre-simplification)
  • Modified so that multiple nodes can run on a single machine by binding to different ports. This necessitated adding port information to a variety of message types and storing ports in the routing table.


The specification for this project is online here

A snapshot convereted to markdown format using Pandoc is included in this repository as spec.md


To see a running example, first launch lib/example-gateway.js to create a gateway node bound on port 12345 of localhost. Then run lib/example-swarm.js to connect a swarm of 6 nodes to that network. Finally run lib/example-node.js to create a node, which will trigger a series of timed actions to index some randomly generated words, then emit a search for those words and print the results to stdout, and every 10 seconds emit its state to show the updating of various internal fields such as the routing table.