
🐍 Python + FastAPI + SQLAlchemy template with Black, Ruff, PyTest, Docker & GitHub Actions

Primary LanguagePython

Minyma Python+FastApi starter template

Kickstart your backend application with a pre-configured FastAPI + SQLAlchemy template

What's included?


Fetch the code

Clone repo, remove git history:

git clone https://github.com/minyma-technologies/python-fastapi-starter
cd python-fastapi-starter
rm -rf ./.git
git init

Alternatively, on GitHub hit Use this template to create a new repository based on this, but without the git history. You can then clone the new repository to your machine.

Install dependencies

  • this template uses Poetry. You can install it like so: pip install poetry
  • once installed run poetry install to install the dependencies

Run the application locally

poe dev

or, for live preloads:

poe watch

Run application in Docker container

docker-compose up --build


Using Poetry

Poetry is an alternative python package manager. From experience, the default python package manager pip and the virtual environment tool venv are poorly designed and often cause package configuration issues. Enter poetry: a modern package manager with a more sane API.

  • create virtual environment: poetry shell
  • add dependency: poetry add <pacakage>
  • add dev dependency: poetry add <pacakage> -G dev

Running migrations

  • the template is set up with alembic, an automatic migrations tool for SQLAlchemy.
  • To automatically run migrations against the database run poe db_pull
  • To automatically genrate migrations against the database run poe db_push <message>

Configuration and secrets

There are three different environments preconfigured: test, dev, and prod. To switch environments set APP_ENV to one of the above environment names. Use dev.env (default, for dev), test.env and .prod.env for storing the values. Note the . before prod.env: adding a dot before any file will automatically git ignore it.

Development scripts

As a drop-in replacement for npm run ... you can use poe. This way you can change development scripts in one place and each collaborator can then use the updated script, without thinking about flags and options. Avaialble scripts are:

Command Description
poe fix Run black, ruff and mypy to fix lint issues
poe check Run black, ruff and mypyp to check for lint issues
poe test Run unit tests
poe coverage Run coverage test
poe prod Start the app in prod mode
poe dev Start the app in dev with mode
poe watch Start the app in dev mode with live reload
poe db_push <message> Autogenerate database migration
poe db_pull Apply migrations


  • service layer tests