
🚄 Typescript + Express + Prisma project template with ESLint, Prettier, Jest, Docker and GitHub Actions

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Minyma Starter Template for Typescript+Express applications


Get the template

Using degit

degit is an npm package, that when given a repository name, downloads the contents of the repo but not the .git folder, hence you will get the code, but will start with a clean git history. tiged is a community maintained fork of degit with equivalent API, but better long term support. To download the template run: npx tiged https://github.com/minyma-technologies/typescript-express-starter.git <target-folder>

Using Github template repository

You can instantiate a GitHub repository with a starting template by navigating to this repo and hitting "Use this template" in the top right corner. This will create a remote repository, which you can the clone locally.

Run the project locally

  • cd <target-folder>
  • install dependencies: npm install
  • generate Prisma client: npx prisma generate
  • synch Prisma with db: npx prisma migrate dev --name init
  • run dev server: npm run dev

Run in a container using Docker Compose

  • cd <target-folder>
  • build the Docker image: docker-compose build
  • launch the containers: docker-compose up
  • exec into the server container: docker exec -it typescript-express-prisma-starter_express_1 sh
  • run the prisma initalization: npx prisma migrate dev --name init


Tech stack

This template is very based. It includes:

  • Typescript, strictly, as the language
  • Express as the web framework
  • Prisma as the ORM
  • zod for API schema validation
  • JWT for auth
  • ESLint for linting
  • Prettier for style checking
  • Jest for testing
  • Husky for pre-commit hooks
  • Postgres as preconfigured database. This can be changed easily, by changing the database connection url in .env (see .env.example). For more details go here

Base features

  • A database setup. Edit prisma/schema.prisma to update the model.
  • A User model with username and password
  • Register endpoint with password hashing via bcrypt, at /api/auth/register POST
  • Login endpoint which cheks the hashed passwords and yields a jwt token at api/auth/login POST
  • GitHub Actions config for lint, test and coverage
  • Pre-push git hooks to lint code before publishing changes


Accessing the database

While it is possible to interact with your chosen database via their provided CLI or GUI client, prisma provides an easy-to-use GUI client out of the box. To access it, simply run npx prisma studio, then navigate to localhost:5555 in your browser.

Editing the data model

  • edit prisma/schema.prisma, to update the data models as needed.
  • run npx prisma migrate to apply the changes.

Editing the config

  • edit one of config/<environment>.ts.
  • use import config from 'config' to access configs
  • access newly added fields via config.get('foo.bar.baz')
  • note that the config loaded depends on NODE_ENV env var
  • make sure to add secrets as env variables in the config files

Pre-push checks

  • this repo uses husky to enforce certain rules before changes are pushed to remote
  • namely, after the push command is issued:
    • npm lint is ran, if there are lint issues, the push will abort.
    • npm test is disabled by default, go to .husky/pre-push to enable

Test and coverage checks in CI

  • test and coverage checks are run within the GitHub CI, and are enforced (or not) by the repository maintainer pre-merge.
  • this allows WIP branches to be pushed without being blocked by a coverage threshold too high, or by temporarily failing unit tests.

Pre-commit hooks

  • there are no pre commit hooks. Developers should be able to make as many commits, as they want locally. Commits should be squashed upon merge, hence only the last commit message has to confirm to commit message conventions.


  • update docker-compose.yml to automatically run npx migrate
  • secret detection pre-commit hook
  • API example tests