Background : There are a lot of cheaters on Player Unknown's Battle Ground (PUBG) game, and this problem has been prevalent even though PUBG has implemented multiple cheater prevention systems over the last few years. This has slashted the number of users significantly and also affected the company reputation.
Motivation : My motivation for my app was to help the general users detect cheaters quickly and effectively so that they can promptly report to the PUBG monitoring team to take action and prevent further spread of cheats.
Data acquisition : I used a Python code (scrape.py) based on Selenium and BeaufiulSoup to scrape PUBG.OP.GG website to obtain player history. I looked at the most 20 recent match history that each player has. Each record belongs to a match played by a certain user and contains features such as playtime, gametype (squad,duo,etc), number of kills, number of headshots, distances travelled and so on. Total # of records I was able to get was ~56,000, which represents 2,700+ users. The users and matches to look for were randomly selected by using the offical PUBG API.
Data storage : The scraped data were stored in the Heroku SQL server and accessed by my web app using SQLALECHMY commands.
Validation data (cheater) : All of my data were not labeled, but for validation I was able to get ~20 cheater data. I got these 'cheater-labeled' data by going over the South Korean PUBG fan website (https://cafe.naver.com/playbattlegrounds). This was the only website where the official PUBG monitoring team responds to general users' complaints about cheating behaviors, and unfortunately their reponses are not alwways guaranteed so I had to go over hundrdes of posts myself.
Validation data (pro) : The question then can arise if my model would just catch those who happen to be good like pro gamers. So to validate my model behavior, I collected PUBG pro gamers data by manually looking up some of the well known pro gamers data (like chocoTaco) on PUBG.OP.GG.
Challenge : Because players play on different times, I cannot simply use typical time series analysis. For example, let's assume user A played on 1/1/2020 and 1/3/2020 and user B played 1/2/2020 only. Also let's assume user A had made 0 kills on 1/1/2020 and 2 kills on 1/3/2020. Then, if user B made 10 kills on 1/2/2020, the model would say user B is suspicious because there is a sudden jump of kills from 0 to 10. However, this is not true because user B only has one instance of 10 kills and we are not sure if this user got beginner's luck or whatsoever. Thus we cannot simply merge all the data and try to look for anomalies.
Bayesian infernce : All data were not labeled and because of the aforementioned challenge in discontinuous time series data, I decided to look for models that catch anomalous patterns intead. There were multiple models available, and I chose Bayesian inference to detect anomalous behaviors. This paper "https://bhooi.github.io/papers/birdnest_sdm16.pdf" was my reference and the codes were open sourced. Basically, I created prior distribution and based on the actual user behaviors (likelihood) I form the posterior distribution. This posterior distribution will then be compared with the global probabiility distribution that describes user behaviros, which yields the likelihood of a given posterior distribution. The lower the likelihood of a given posterior distribution is, the less likely this user followed the normal user behaviors which form the prior distribution and thus more anomalous.
Model operation : My model looks for those deviated the most, and my threshold was top 1%. The reason being most of the well-known PUBG pro players tend to be ~ top 1.5%, and according to my EDA cheaters generally have ~2X more likelihood to acheive higher kills or higher damage even than the pros. Thus, I chose 1% as a threshold.
Building the app : I used flask to build the web app that is deployed on Heroku server at www.PUBG-CHEATER-FINDER.com . The "application.py" code contains all the lines of the code that were used to build the web app.
- Layout of the app : Will put in here soon.
File description : The description for each file is as follows.
- import.py : getting rows and columns from scraped data that are in a csv format and inserting them to Heroku SQL database
- models.py : creating relational database schema for scraped user data
- create.py : initiating Heroku SQL database to create database schema as defined by models.py
- scrape.py : scraping user data using Selenium and Beautifulsoup on PUBG.OP.GG
- preprocess.py : creating bins for each user parameter and saving the occurences of each bin in a dictionary for each user. Then creating arrays to count the occurences (how many times a sepcific bin for a given parameter had happend for a specific user)
- detect.py : main code to go through Bayesian infernce and detect the top deviators. Code is commented for details.