Weakly-Supervised End-to-End CAD Retrieval to Scan Objects

This is the code along with pretrained models for the paper Weakly-Supervised End-to-End CAD Retrieval to Scan Objects.


  1. Install the requirements from requirements.txt. Note that some experiments require additional (heavy) dependencies, which are noted within the respective folders.
  2. Fill in the paths in data/datapaths.json.
  3. Download the ShapeNet, ScanNet, Scan2CAD and the Scan-CAD Object Similarity Dataset and place them into the respective folders.
  4. Install this package using setup.py from the main folder.
  5. Run python3 data/prepare_shapenet.py && python3 data/prepare_scannet.py && python3 data/prepare_sdf.py && python3 data/split_data_by_category.py && python3 data/convert_to_common_format.py to set up all datasets.
  6. Run python3 similarity_metrics/PerceptualMetric/perceptual_metric.py && python3 similarity_metrics/maskedIoU/masked_iou_scaled.py to populate the distance caches and evaluate the performance of the perceptual and geometric similarities. WARNING: This step may take a long time (50 hrs+) to complete. If you want to save time, run python3 similarity_metrics/maskedIoU/masked_iou.py instead. This will not rescale the voxel grids to fit the scan objects which results in lower performance. You can set w_percep to 1 for all further experiments to ignore the maskedIoU similarity altogether.


Three folders are of interest: network (for the main experiments), ablations (to reproduce Table 3 from the paper), similarity_metrics (contains the perceptual and geometric similarity metric computations). Generally, all scripts are designed to be run from the main folder (instance_retrieval). To train the main configuration, run e.g. python3 network/train.py --log-dir=/path/to/log To evaluate a pretrained model, run e.g. python3 network/test.py --path=pretrained/unseen.pth It should achieve similar performance to the values in the paper.
