
A food centered app to explore and learn about cultures around the world.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema


App Demo



FoodieWIKI - A food centered app to bookmark and learn about food nearby and around the world.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Lifestyle
  • Mobile: Users will also be able to view restraunts in current location or customized selected region's map and mark them down. User can search restraunts based on their choices.
  • Story: The value of the app is clear - to learn about cultures through food around the world. As a foodie, I was always looking for a platform that's specific to food-searching but there's almost none in the market. Many people also take a large amount of time to look for good restraunts because resources are not concentrated in one platform. The app story solves this problem.
  • Market: We mainly focus on young people who are looking to learn more about cultures, or simply want to find a nice restraunt to hang out with friends. The app can be helpful when other age groups are planning a trip locally or to other regions since food is always an important part when we visit new places.
  • Habit: Average users will consume the content on the app. The platform is habit-forming because this app serves as a centralized platform for food info.
  • Scope: The goal is clearly defined. It is doable to complete an MVP where users can view local restraunt and bookmark them.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can create a new account
  • User can login/logout
  • User can swipe to bookmark/unbookmark a restaurant on main page and detail page
  • User can view a feed of restraunt cards
  • User can see detial page of a restaurant (rating, category, price, hour, address, other users who bookmarked it, three images)
  • User can see nearby restraurants in a map and mark down restaurants

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • User can see other users who bookedmarked the restaurant on restaurant detail page
  • User can see restaurant photos in an image slider in restaurant detail page
  • User can see their profile page with their bookmarks
  • User can view other user’s profiles and see their bookmarks
  • User can see restraunts nearby or choose a region
  • User can see a route from select regions/current location to a certain restaurant's location in restaurant detail page
  • User can call restaurant in its detail page
  • User can go to a restaurant's yelp page in its detail page
  • User can change their profile picture by taking a picture or select photos from their library

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login Screen
    • User can create a new account
    • User can sign in
  • Stream
    • User can scroll through restraunt info
      • Nearby (based on location)
      • Explore (a mix of cards that can be from other regions)
  • Map View - visualizing location-based restraunt information
    • Users can see nearby restaurant based on selected regions
    • Users can mark down restaurants
    • Users can tap in the restaurant and see details
  • Detail
    • Users can see details of a restraunt
  • Profile
    • User can view their identity and stats

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Stream screen
  • Profile screen

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login screen
    • Stream feed
  • Stream screen
    • posts (optional)
      • Detail screen once tab on a card
    • restaurant cards
      • Detail screen once tab on a card
    • google map view
      • Google map view of all cards in stream screen
        • Detil screen once tab on a marker info page
  • Profile screen
    • Bookmarks





Property Type Description
objectID String unique id for the user (default field)
createdAt dateTime date when user is created (default field)
updatedAt dateTime date when user is last updated (default field)
username String unique username for the user (default field)
email String unique email for the user registration (default, optional)
password String password for the user (default field)
Region String user current location (city, state)
profilePic File user custom profile picture
restaurants array of restaurants objectID a list of restaurants being bookmarked
name String user's customized name


Property Type Description
objectID String unique id for the bookmark (default field)
author pointer user who authored this bookmark book
restaurants array of restraunt objectID a list of restaurants being bookmarked
updatedAt dateTime date when bookmark is created
createdAt dateTime date when bookmark is updated


Property Type Description
objectID string unique id for the restraunt (default field)
name Text Text
posterPic file the profile picture of the restraunt shown to user
otherPics array of files other pictures of the restraunt
rating Number restaurant rating
website String restaurant website
phone number String restaurant phone number
likedBy array of user objectID users who bookmarked the restraunt
address String restraunt address


  • Login screen
    • (Create/POST) Create a new user when Sign Up in Parse
    • (Read/GET) Query form Parse corresponding user object when Sign in
  • Stream screen
    • (Read/GET) Query restaurant cards from Yelp based on given location
    • (Read/GET) Query User bookmarks
    • (Create/POST) Create a new restaurant object if it's the first time being bookmarked
    • (Create/POST) Append current userID to restaurant object UserArray meaning current user bookmarked this restaurant
  • Google map view screen
    • (Read/GET) Query map by centering map on user current location
    • (Read/GET) Query cards on user object in Streem screen to display location markers
  • Profile screen
    • (Read/GET) Query logged in user object (userID and profile image)
    • (Read/GET) Quert logged in user bookmarks
    • (Update/PUT) Update user profile image
  • Detail screen
    • (Read/Get) Query restaurant detail from Yelp given restaurantID of tapped cell in stream page
    • (Read/Get) Query all users who bookmarked the restaurant given restaurantID from Parse

Google Map SDK

Yelp Business Endpoints

HTTP verb Endpoint Description
GET /businesses/{id} This endpoint returns detailed business content. Normally, you would get the Business ID from /businesses/search, /businesses/search/phone, /transactions/{transaction_type}/search or /autocomplete.
GET /businesses/search This endpoint returns up to 1000 businesses based on the provided search criteria. It has some basic information about the business. To get detailed information and reviews, please use the Business ID returned here and refer to /businesses/{id} and /businesses/{id}/reviews endpoints.