
dl4mir is a docker image for the deep learning for music information retrieval research.


  • For music analysis: essentia, librosa, madmom

  • For deep learning: pytorch, keras, tensorflow, sklearn, cuda

  • and some useful python libraries including: numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, jupyter, spotipy and more!


dl4mir:gpu-py3 python3 environment

  • I don't support python2 environment anymore


Pull docker image

Just type:

docker pull minzwon/dl4mir:latest-gpu-py3

Run docker container

You should run the image with nvidia-docker to use your GPUs.


nvidia-docker run -d -it -p 8888:8888 -v HOST_DIRECTORY:CONTAINER_DIRECTORY --name ANYNAME minzwon/dl4mir:latest-gpu-py3 /bin/bash

-d is a detached mode. This makes your container to run on the background. You can continue the container with:

nvidia-docker exec -it ANYNAME /bin/bash

Build docker image

When you want to build your image:

make latest-gpu-py3


make push latest-gpu-py3