
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

glitter - Interpersonal Network


Glitter is a revolutionary approach to social networking, leveraging personal blockchain technology to give users full control over their data while enabling privacy-preserving social interactions. It aims to address the significant shortcomings of current Web2 social networks and professional platforms by prioritizing user privacy, data ownership, and authentic connections.

Key features:

  • Personal Blockchains: Each user has their own blockchain, ensuring data ownership and control.
  • Decentralized Architecture: No central authority controls user data.
  • Privacy-Preserving: Uses zero-knowledge proofs for claim verification without revealing underlying data.
  • Distributed Backup System: Implements Shamir's Secret Sharing for distributed, secure backups.
  • P2P Communication: Simulates a peer-to-peer network for data propagation and backup distribution.
  • Trusted Nodes: Users can designate trusted connections for improved network reliability and backup management.


  • Python 3.7+
  • Dependencies listed in requirements.txt


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/miofuku/glitter.git
cd glitter
  1. Create and activate a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt


To run the prototype:

python3 main.py

Running Tests

To run the tests:

pytest tests/


  • src/:
    • blockchain.py: Implements the PersonalBlockchain class
    • social_network.py: Manages the SocialNetwork class
    • p2p_network.py: Simulates the P2PNetwork
    • backup_manager.py: Handles backup and restoration of personal blockchains
    • shamir_secret_sharing.py: Implements Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm
    • zk_snark.py: Placeholder for zero-knowledge proof implementation.
    • block.py: Defines the Block class for blockchain entries
    • trusted_node.py: Implements the TrustedNode class for managing trusted connections
  • tests/: Contains unit and integration tests for all major components.

Current Limitations

This prototype is a conceptual implementation and has several limitations:

  1. The zero-knowledge proof system is a placeholder and needs a real implementation.
  2. The P2P network is simulated and would need to be replaced with a real implementation for production use.
  3. The consensus mechanism is a simple placeholder and should be replaced with a more robust algorithm.

Future Development

To turn this prototype into a fully functional system, consider the following enhancements:

  1. Implement a real zero-knowledge proof system to replace the current placeholder.
  2. Implement a real P2P network layer to replace the current simulation.
  3. Enhance the backup and restoration process with more robust error handling and conflict resolution.
  4. Develop a more sophisticated consensus mechanism.
  5. Implement a user interface for easier interaction with the network.
  6. Conduct a comprehensive security audit before any production use.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This prototype is for educational purposes only and is not suitable for handling real personal data or for use in a production environment. Use at your own risk.