
PDF to JPEG images + HTML with <img> alt text converter

Primary LanguagePython

This is a Python script to convert a PDF to series of HTML <img> tags with alt texts. It makes the presentation suitable embedded for a blog post and reading on a mobile device and such.

Example Workflow:

  • Export presentation from Apple Keynote to PDF file. On Export dialog untick include date and add borders around slides.
  • Run the script against generated PDF file to convert it to a series of JPEG files and a HTML snippet with <img> tags
  • Optionally, the scripts adds a full URL prefix to <img src>, so you don't need to manually link images to your hosting service absolute URL
  • Copy-paste generated HTML to your blog post

Tested with Apple Keynote exported PDFs, but the approach should work for any PDF content.

See example blog post and presentation.

Dependencies (OSX):

sudo port install ghostscript

Please note that Ghostscript 9.06 crashed for me during the export. Please upgrade to 9.07.

Setting up virtualenv and insllating the code:

git clone xxx
cd pdf-presentation-to-html
curl -L -o virtualenv.py https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/master/virtualenv.py
python virtualenv.py venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install pyPdf


. venv/bin/activate
python pdf2html.py test.pdf output

Advanced example:

. venv/bin/activate
python pdf2html.py test.pdf output

Even more advanced example with hardcoded URL:

GHOSTSCRIPT=/usr/local/bin/gs python pdf2html.py test.pdf output http://opensourcehacker.com/wp-content/uploads/wpd2013/

Then upload to the server for Wordpress to access:

rsync -av pycon2014 yourserver.example.com:/srv/yoursite/wordpress/wp-content/uploads

Mikko Ohtamaa (blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google+)