
A YM2151 4 OP FM hardware synth using an arduino pro mini

Primary LanguageC++


A YM2151 synth using an arduino pro mini. This is a single-sided layout ideal for home etching.

Based on YM2151 Arduino shield created by by Yukio Ishii and resurrected by synthy (Pim)

Software- uses masl123's Arduino code and java-based controller/ OPM patch editor (based on Yukio Ishii's YM2151 Arduino Library)

Controller/ OPM patch editor (Java App) can be found here: https://github.com/masl123/YM2151-Midi-Controller/releases

More info and discussion can be found here: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/17710/ym2151-shield-for-arduino/

Yukio Ishii's original project (in Japanese): http://www.ooishoo.org/?page_id=15

YM2151 pro mini


Software for the ym2151-Shield for Arduino forked from : https://github.com/masl123/YM2151-Arduino-Software

###INFO: This is a Controller Software for the YM2151 Shield from this Site: http://www.ooishoo.org/ If you dont speak Japanese, you also can look at this Thread: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/17710/ym2151-shield-for-arduino/ for more informations about the Shield. See Mapping.md for the Midi-CC to control the Chip.

###Requirements: The Arduino Midi Library: https://github.com/FortySevenEffects/arduino_midi_library