
Discord bot for authors, featuring challenges, goal tracking, and prompts.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Winnie is a Discord bot for authors. Winnie allows users to track goals, challenge each other to word wars and sprints, and get prompts to assist with their writing.

Adding Winnie to your Discord server

If you want to run Winnie on your server, you can either invite the public Winnie_Bot account or set up your own Discord bot with Winnie's code.

Inviting the public Winnie_Bot account

If you want to invite the public Winnie_Bot account to your server, go here.

Setting up your own instance of Winnie


  • Node.js
  • npm (Node Package Manager)

Setting up a Discord bot instance

  • Sign in to Discord
  • Go to https://discordapp.com/developers/, and click on 'My Apps'
  • Click on 'New App' to create a Discord
  • Reveal the token under Bot/Token - you will need this in the next step

Installation Instructions

  • Clone the Winnie_Bot repository onto your server.
  • Run npm install to get package dependencies.
  • Edit the config.json file in Winnie's root directory as follows: {"token": "your bot's token", "storageUrl": "location of your MongoDB"}
  • Initialise MongoDB.
  • Run bash tz-script.sh to download the IANA timezone data.
  • Run node main.js to initialise Winnie.

Inviting your instance of Winnie to your server

Click the 'Generate OAuth2 URL' button in the Discord Developer pane to generate your invite URL. Using the invite URL, you can invite your instance of Winnie to any Discord server on which you have administrator permissions.

Role permissions

In order to be able to set timezones, Winnie needs to have the Manage Roles permission turned on. Go to Server Settings > Roles, and select the role to which Winnie is assigned. Turn the Manage Roles permission on for that role.

Dependencies and frameworks

Bug reports

Please report bugs by opening an issue on GitHub.

Contributing to Winnie

We welcome all contributors to Winnie. Your pull requests will be reviewed by the authors prior to merging. Please document your code, and play nicely with other contributors.


  • Dawn E. Collett - Primary Developer - GitHub
  • Robert W. McLeod - Server management assistance - GitHub


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Winnie's repository is located at https://github.com/lisushka/Winnie_Bot. Winnie's avatar, 'Tiny Cities', was created by Rachael Wheeler (Etlu-Yume on NaNo). Prints, notebooks, and other items featuring 'Tiny Cities' are available for purchase here.