
Anki Learning Cards for Pimsleurs Mandarin Chinese


I transformed my transcripts of Pimsleurs Mandarin Chinese course to Anki Learning Cards and share them here: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1055164593

As for now, there are only units 1 to 5 of a total of 30 units. Since these Anki Learning Cards seem to be highly appreciated by many learners (it's actually Top 2 of all Anki Mandarin decks), I want to make Anki Cards also for the rest of the units.

I transcribed already units 6 to 10 but they need to be reviewed and corrected by anyone interested in this project. If it works out well, I'll add here the rest of the units (11 to 30).

How you can help

For each unit there is a anki.csv file which contains the transcripts I've selected to finally create Anki Learning Cards. The columns in the csv file are separated by tabs. You can import the csv files in any spreadsheet application such as Excel or Open Office Calc etc.

Once opened, the first three columns contain the transcripts that need to be reviewed and corrected.


For example, the first two lines of P3/Unit06/anki.csv look like this:

What would you like to drink? 您 想 喝 什么 nín xiǎng hē shén me [sound:PM3-U06-027.mp3] [sound:PM3-U06-028.mp3] 3 6 00m48s
I'd like to drink some wine 我想 喝 一点 葡萄酒 wǒ xiǎng hē yī diǎn pú tao jiǔ [sound:PM3-U06-030.mp3] [sound:PM3-U06-031_PM3-U06-032.mp3] 3 6 01m06s

As you can see in the first line, column B and C are each missing the question mark.

Your task would be to correct these errors. Once corrected, please do a pull request so I can merge your work into the master branch.

You may listen to the soundfiles specified in column D and E (English respective Chinese) to verify the transcripts. The soundfiles are located in the mp3 folder where the corresponding anki.csv is located.

The last 3 columns (F, G, H) specify the course level (in this example it's level 3), the unit (in this example it's unit 6) and the start of the conversation within the orginal Pimsleur Chinese Mandarin Course (in this example it starts at 00m48s).

The Result

I'll produce Anki Learning Cards from the corrected anki.csv files and share them here. They can be used wherever Anki can be installed. On my Android smartphone it looks like this:

Anki Learning Cards Structure

The Anki Cards are structured into lessons and units as the original audio course.

I've made three types of learning cards:

  1. Listening
  2. Reading
  3. Translating

The initial order of the learning cards reflects the order given by the original audio course. However, the order will change dependent on the given answers when studying learning cards.

Generally, only the first occurrence of a phrase or word within a learning unit has been transcribed. However, the same phrase or word may be repeated in another learning unit.

Listening Mode

In this mode you'll listen to the chinese audio and you should find the meaning. Click the play button to listen again.

Listening Mode

Click "Show Hanzi" to reveal the chinese characters:

Listening Mode Show Hanzi

Click "Show Pinyin" to reveal the pinyin:

Listening Mode Show Pinyin

Click "Show Answer" to reveal the answer:

Listening Mode Show Answer

Below the answer you can see when the conversation starts in the original Pimsleur Chinese Mandarin Course, here it start's in Level 3, in Unit 1, at 4 minutes and 18 seconds.

Select one of the three options below to indicate how easy or difficult it was for you to find the answer.

Reading Mode

In this mode you'll read chinese characters and try to guess what they mean.

Reading Mode

Click "Show Pinyin" to reveal the pinyin:

Reading Mode Show Pinyin

Click "Show Answer" to reveal the answer:

Reading Mode Show Answer

Below the answer you can see when the conversation starts in the original Pimsleur Chinese Mandarin Course, here it start's in Level 3, in Unit 1, at 4 minutes and 18 seconds.

Select one of the three options below to indicate how easy or difficult it was for you to find the answer.

Translating Mode

In this mode you have to try translate an English sentence to Chinese. You may click the play button to listen again.

Translating Mode

Click "Show Answer" to reveal the answer:

Translating Mode Show Answer

You may click the play button to listen again the chinese sentence. Below the answer you can see when the conversation starts in the original Pimsleur Chinese Mandarin Course, here it start's in Level 3, in Unit 1, at 4 minutes and 18 seconds.

Select one of the three options below to indicate how easy or difficult it was for you to find the answer.

Thanks for your help and contributions!