
Extracts link from a section inside a markdown file and stores them into a json file

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Github action markdown link extract to json

Extracts link from a section inside a markdown file and stores them into a json file



Required Input filename with markdown.


Required Output filename in which links are store as json.


Optional Section to parse in stead of whole document.

Example usage

uses: actions/github-action-markdown-link-extract-to-json@v1.1
  in-file: README.md
  out-file: './links.json'
  section: '## Links'

Example Implementation

This is action is developed for Quiqr Community Templates. It helps converting all links to templates from the README into a json-file which is used by the Quiqr Desktop application. Open the workflow to see how it works.

Quiqr - Hugo Websites for everyone


Issues and PR's are welcome. Be polite.