- 2
Catch not "catching" all my ShowRSS shows
#207 opened by dywang56 - 1
#205 opened by falconshadow21 - 0
- 0
Add settings export
#204 opened by emeritaacuity0u - 0
Confirm whether the user wants to quit
#203 opened by emeritaacuity0u - 2
- 1
Or there other websites like SHowRSS
#201 opened by withuis - 1
Cannot add RSS from
#200 opened by Agnapot - 1
Feed check 2.0
#185 opened by mipstian - 3
- 0
Refresh recents window more often
#196 opened by mipstian - 1
- 1
- 1
Update Failed
#197 opened by rowz8 - 2
Last Update (Failed)
#194 opened by andrewrgossett - 0
Safari cannot open specified address
#195 opened by lepps3275 - 3
Russian Language
#192 opened by yevgenyloginov - 5
After power failure and Mac restart, Catch re-downloads everything again, e.g. 45+ items
#191 opened by brandbrilliance - 4
Catch won't start
#190 opened by bobanmilan - 2
Add "Show in Menu Bar" option
#187 opened by mootensai - 4
Catch not getting latest shows from ShowRSS
#189 opened by dywang56 - 1
App is failing to retreive any RSS feeds
#188 opened by cparrey - 1
Adopt os logging
#182 opened by mipstian - 1
Catch doesn't download automatically.
#186 opened by rolfmblindgren - 0
OPML export
#184 opened by mipstian - 0
Modernize localization
#183 opened by mipstian - 0
- 11
Downloading the same torrents multiple times
#180 opened by thagorastos - 4
- 3
Repeated downloads of the same torrents
#179 opened by Kudusch - 8
Catch 2.0 don't work on El Capitan
#176 opened by alexandremjacques - 1
- 2
Webloc instead of magnets on Big Sur
#177 opened by djjoelyd - 1
Catch 2.0 doesn't work on older macOS Sierra
#175 opened by Flydervish - 4
Not downloading .torrents from custom RSS feed
#169 opened by patrickrushton - 6
- 5
App seems to close overnight
#171 opened by 12thDegree - 1
Using Catch without showRSS account?
#173 opened by jason5122 - 1
Will Catch get an update?
#172 opened by lepps3275 - 3
Menu bar Mac
#165 opened by aschwalbc - 1
Catch for movies?
#168 opened by osnipassos - 6
Not pulling down torrents on Catalina 10.15.1
#161 opened by dontcrash - 3
Catch downloads a .webloc file that I can't open
#164 opened by tomcat335 - 1
Dark mode
#167 opened by osnipassos - 0
Episode check is skipped
#166 opened by Cardhappy - 1
Fetch only after specified date
#162 opened by designelf - 1
Old version reading rss
#160 opened by yingtongbob - 3
Catch 1.9.4 keeps adding multiple instances of itself to Login Items on my user account
#159 opened by timbck2 - 3
Release 2.0 final?
#158 opened by zenspider - 2
Catch appears to be connecting to cox?
#155 opened by Beasta