
this repository will provide the ability to give it a Twitch clip and then output an mp3 file

Primary LanguagePython

Twitch Clip to MP3 Converter

This Python script allows users to convert Twitch clips into MP3 audio files. It uses yt-dlp to download the Twitch clip and moviepy to convert the video file into an MP3 audio file.


  • Python 3.x
  • pip


  1. Clone this repository: git clone <repository_url> cd <repository_directory>

  2. Install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the script with the Twitch clip URL as an argument:

python script_name.py <twitch_clip_url>

Upon successful completion, the script will produce an output.mp3 audio file from the Twitch clip.


  • Validates the provided Twitch clip URL.
  • Ensures the downloaded file is a valid video format.
  • Converts the Twitch clip video into an MP3 audio file.


This script includes basic security measures such as:

  • URL format validation to ensure the provided URL is a valid Twitch clip URL.
  • File format verification after downloading to make sure the downloaded file is in a recognized video format.

However, always exercise caution when running scripts that handle external data, as there is some inherent risk involved.


MIT License