
Primary LanguageJavaScript



JS when clicking on the button, nothing happens.

  1. Implement the getArticles function, so it fetches the 1st page of articles using the endpoint https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miquelmasrieramrf/webTest/main/data/articles/{ __PAGE_NUMBER__ }
  2. make the function showArticles use the articles fetched using the previous one, so they are shown in the page.
  3. now show the articles of the pages 1 and 2 (articles [1, 10]) in order.


Styling is not fine

  1. we want to display the articles in a vertical list and add some space between them
  2. style the button exacly as the articles
  3. make it response (make the articels fit in a smartphone screen)


  1. improve the showArticles function
  2. html discussion