
Notflix backend

Primary LanguageGo

Notflix Server

This is the Notflix backend server. It does a couple of things:

  • HTTP server for data (movies, images, etc) at /_data//path/...
  • Supports image resizing (?w=num&h=num&q=num) with a local cache
  • JSON/REST API server at /_api/
    • libraries (movies, tvshows, ...)
    • server configuration
    • user data (auth, favorites, seen, ...)
  • HTTP server for the webapp at /



  • request: parameters such as :name must be encoded using encodeURIComponent()
  • reply: 'uri' and 'path' attributes are already encoded and must not be uri-encoded again in the request URL.
GET /\_api/collections
[ { ... lib1 ... },  { ... lib2 ... }, ... ]
GET /\_api/collection/:collectionname
  id: 3,
  name "library1",
  type: "movies",
  baseuri: "/\_data/1"

Items in a collection

Listing all items will get summary objects. For example a list of tv shows will not include season and episode information for individual shows.

GET /\_api/collection/:collectionname/items
    name: "aliens (1996)",
    baseurl: "/_data/3",
    path: "aliens%20(1996)",

Listing a single item will include details.

GET /\_api/collection/:collectionname/item/:itemname
  name: "aliens (1996)",
  path: "alien%20(1996)",


The source of a collection will usually be one directory on the filesystem of the server. A collection can have multiple sources though, so it can have more than one directory, or even remote locations.

Each source of a collection is mapped to /_data/:source. That's why the baseuri is included in each item, since there can be multiple baseuris in one collection.