
This project was created out of some pieces of code that I found were duplicated across four or more of my projects, so I decided to create a repo. The goal of this project is not to replace System.IO, it is simply to supplement the existing APIs and to make file IO several times easier.

Path simplification / normalization

string someCompletelyMalformedPath = "\\folder///next\foo//\/bar/../file.txt";
StoragePath normalized = new StoragePath(someCompletelyMalformedPath);

Console.WriteLine(normalized); // folder\next\foo\file.txt

Path utilities

Console.WriteLine(normalized.Name); // file.txt
Console.WriteLine(normalized.NameWithoutExtension); // file
Console.WriteLine(normalized.Extension); // .txt
Console.WriteLine(normalized.ParentDirectory); // folder\next\foo
Console.WriteLine(normalized.IsAbsolute); // False

// Same as normalized.ParentDirectory.Combine("new.txt")
Console.WriteLine(normalized.ParentDirectory + "new.txt"); // folder\next\foo\new.txt
Console.WriteLine(normalized.ParentDirectory.Combine("\\this/other\\")); // folder\next\foo\this.other


private static async void MakeDirectory() {
    DirectoryBuilder b = new DirectoryBuilder(@"your/path/here");
    b.ConflictResolution = NameConflictOption.Rename;

    // Note - all methods that recieve a string path can also recieve a StoragePath
    b.AppendFile("this/other/that.txt", "This contents there");
    b.AppendFile("info.dat", new byte[] { 0xf, 0x8, 0xa });

    // If this is a file, copy it. If its a directory, deep copy it

    // Extract this zip contents to the target directory

    // Builds the directory specified above in "your/path/here"
    await b.BuildAsync();



This project is on nuget, and can be found here.


This project is licensed with the MIT open source license, and you may use, contribute, copy, ect this software as you please.